13. memories that only the hospital can cause

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The second he got let go, Bakugo Rushed to the hospital and quickly found your room. To see all these wires on you, you were in a coma. He had stayed there hours thinking about what he had done, how he had hurt you in the past, and what you and said about him last time you were in a hospital.
(A week after the USJ attack)
Bakugo and you would talk about how to help solve all the bad things that had happened in the past this was your new daily routine on the way to and from school even during all your breaks you would solve what had happened.
(A day after school)
"Y/n since we're talking to solve everything um, did you really mean those things that you had said at the hospital."
"Even how hurt I was I would never mean anything mean I would you. I guess I just said it so Sarah would leave me alone and not hurt me."
"That's a relief to know that you don't hate me." You grab his cheek to make him look at you.
"Even how far apart we get, how much we fight, all the mean things we say about one another, and no matter if I say otherwise. I will always be your friend and be there for you."
"Thank you"
(Normal time in the hospital)
"Why, why did you go against me why did you have to get hurt. This is all my fault and now. Now you might die." Bakugo started to cry again.
Eventually the whole class showed up. Izuku knew Bakugo wouldn't have left her because little did everybody know that when they were children both Bakugo and y/n had told Izuku about the feelings they had for eachother.
"Kacchan we brought you food, you should eat then maybe go home and rest."
"Oh yeah why don't all of you do the same?"
"Kacchan we already went home to rest, that's why we showed up so late we also all went out to get food."
Finally Bakugo had given up on making the others leave and ate but he wasn't going home anytime soon. Slowly everyone had left because of how late it was.
"Kacchan I know you like her but what are you gonna do when she wakes up. You know she may forget all about us, that is if she wakes up."
"Don't you dare remind me of all that shit. It because I wanted her to like me back I had ended up ruining it just like when we were children. I had liked her since I met her and the feelings grew and with everyday they get stronger. But you wouldn't understand."
"Well I don't who what it's like to see the one person I love hate me then hurt and then in a coma. But how do you think she felt all those years?"
"What do you mean?"
"The exact same day you told me how you like her she told me the same thing on how she likes you and even after the fight and how you guys stopped being friends I knew she still liked you but I knew she didn't want to but couldn't help it. And she tells me all the great times you two are having and how she's glad her feeling had never changed. But you must not talk to her about this because I'm afraid that she'll lose all thrust in me so please you can act on your feeling but don't mention how she likes you."
"Fine I won't ruin your guys relationship. Besides I was planning on confessing to her at hero prom at the end of the year and ask her to it."
" That's a long time away, but not as long as her plan. She's scared you'll reject her so she never wants to tell you unless she has enough money to move to Korea."
"Thank you for telling me this."
"Mhm." Deku said as he left.
"And Kacchan please go home and get some sleep."
Bakugo didn't want to leave y/n so he stayed with her and sat by the window and slowly drifted to sleep.

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