Bar Fight, Beer And Bloody Tears

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Author's Note: That is my first ever story with a fictional character x reader. Please, bear with me with my imperfections, when it comes up to writing. Furthermore, I've noticed that there are like a few stories with Timothy x reader even Jude x reader, consequently I couldn't help but the decision of mine being enforced. Boom! A Female Reader x Timothy Howard book! Especially for these who're suckers for Timothy, slowburns or priest kink even all, that's what I'm exactly recommending you to check out. I hope you like and enjoy the first chapter, although it's simply like prologue.

Last but not least, I've longed for awhile to write this story and I may update it whenever I feel inspired to keep it updated, in fact, I've a couple of more projects to edit like Wings of Light, Possible Second Chance and the one-shot series. 

Warning: E/C= Eye Color, Y/N= Your Name, H/C= Hair Color!

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--- 24th of October, 1964 ---

Every single day of the year and your fresh, young life felt like the rough texture of stomp, trouncing smoothly through the luxurious carpet of crispy autumn leaves. Beneath your shed feet the elapsing days from the week, the month, the year even more the rabidly progressing years and decades. They're phenomenally inexorable and they're part of your existence. Just like everybody else. The mortals have had their own days whether to feel the potent aura of elation, swaddling them in a cozily warm blanket as newborns or on the contrary, the worse even the worst days of their lives, freezing to death like strayers. Their existence was almost ceased as if it depended of their physical and mental stamina. Sooner or later, everyone of us is aiming whether to the heaven's celestially golden gates and joining the rich army of angels and servants of God, who have hardly sinned ever in their mortal lives. Or otherwise, the sinners' new home. Literally the searing depths of hell with every servant of Satan even incarnation of the vile. Vile essences dwelling in the most profound caverns of the underworld.

The winter was approaching within two months only. The mid-autumn weather was whistling and looping its own ballad overally in Boston. The heavy rains, the fresh and alluring scent of fresh life and the season were the common symptoms, encountered in every episode of the fall. Sometimes the wind was excessively slapping and fanning the surroundings' exposed fleshes. The sun was usually smiling vibrantly to everything below and swaddling it in a warm, saturating blanket, providing comfort and light to everything. The heinous clouds maliciously obscured the beaming sun with storms and heavy rain, frowning and discoloring everything below.

Tonight you decided to fool around with some of your friends in a local Boston bar after having a tough, fatiguing day at work as a waitress, disputing with certain capricious, frustrated clients who were bugging you off to bones though your attempts with great deal of nonchalance to balance and harmonize the ambience which was still muddling the intension. You've been always amiable and open-minded even generous to the clients, diligently doing your work, regardless how stern was your boss or certain clients were brashly cocksure and narrow-minded.

Moreover, your career as a waitress was still ongoing for a year after fleeing Silver Spring, Maryland, in order to escape the hazard world of drugs and crimes with the immense fortune you've earned after you and some of your former classmates that were involved in the hazard business. You didn't have many friends though some of your former classmates that were also business partners with you and selling illegally galore variety of drugs to the customers and thanks to the traded products the fortune was beaming to you with the brilliant reward of luxurious pile of dollars you've scarcely ever seen in your life, they were no longer keeping in touch with you after starting everything from the beginning in Boston. On your way to the small city of Massachusetts from the small town of Maryland, you eventually fathomed the sequence of the drug dealer's short-time business you've been involved with a couple of your peers. The ginormous fortune you're currently possessing was for emigrating somewhere else where nobody knows you by purchasing your own property and afford anything you'd want more than anything although the questionable quantity of money.

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