Card Games

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The times may have changed,


but the nature of evil has not.

Within the elapsing hours of great blend of lukewarm indifference and sheer surreal mirth, the beaming smile glimmered spread across your cherub, naturally mauve lips, texturing thousand patterns of merriness. You spent a half an hour conversating with Dana, Barb and Frederic and telling them everything from the initial clashes with Sister Jude and Timothy up to the bakery shenanigans whilst you swapped with Shelley, besides the sinister atrocities about the infamous madhouse which was housing unholy fragments and criminally insane, embodying the general population's outcast. Furthermore, your pals acknowledged that the ambitious Monsignor is going to arrange your release within a few days only and Frederic and Barb were beyond mesmerized and scintillatingly believing each ounce of his promise unlike the redhead, who didn't deem the man of the cloth trustworthy at all.

Fortunately, thanks to the man of the cloth's liberal decision to subtract with a few hours your shirt in the bakery, you were currently playing cards with Kit, Pepper, Grace and Shelley. At first, you were bizarrely mesmerized by the French girl's amicability and how sheerly innocent she appeared to be with her demeanor.

"Dominique, nique, nique! S'en allait tout simplement! Routier pauvre et chantant! En tous chemins, en tous lieux, Il ne parle que du bon Dieu! Il ne parle que du bon Dieu!" The same French tune was yet playing on looped in the common room, eerily tingling its featureless instrumental and vocalist chanting the lyrics.

"So I'll be the first one to shuffle the cards!" Even when you haven't played cards for a long time, nevertheless, you still recalled freshly the rules and a sheet of paper was motionlessly crossing past your sight and your fidgety, spider fingers were idly playing with the pen, clasped between your fingertips, supporting the light-heavy item to jot down the score of every player even though when you weren't very aware of the rules in the notorious madhouse how if one of the staff members catches you with a pen and a sheet of paper, consequently your retribution belonged to the solitary conferment. Anyway after politely requesting one of the staff members to bring you the cards and finding stray pen and empty blanket alongside with an empty large-sized table to situate the card game, furthermore he permitted you to use the pen and the blanket for now, in spite of the strict rules. Gamely smirk perched on your lips as you ushered the plain pen to scribble Y/N on the top of the flimsy sheet of paper with its indigo blue oil inking the material.

"Before to start the game, do ya all know the rules?" The nymphomaniac flipped hedonistically partly her unruly greasy gilded strands onward, squinting up her lapis lazuli gemstones from Pepper to you in approval, moistening slyly her lips after manipulating to twirl her strawberry-coloured tongue to daub her chapped upper and lower lips' dryness.

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