Their Voices Reside

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➳ Will I just fall to pieces

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Will I just fall to pieces

Or am I alright? 

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"Well," Crudely heavy sigh foamed your brittle lungs whilst lingering your pristinely dainty fingers crooked around the goblet swamped partly with its promiscously sinful, overwhelmingly insatiable liquor glimmering past your peripheral gaze. The controversially overwhelming, sinisterly obstinate process of attempting to sort your mind during the enquiry that ever asphyxiated the very walls of the living room and the meager scale of adequately intimate proximity you traded with one another, inevitably megawatt abraded its tension. A sheepishly huge grin crawled beneath your roseate lips, and flexing your facial muscles whilst struggling to elaborate a girlishly mellifluous giggle. "Isn't it too apparent?"

"Sure!" At the moment, the British compatriot maneuvered its stroll to the chest of drawers as his meek footsteps truly relaxing barked against the carpeted floor, accompanying his melodiously sardonic chuckle clicking the roof of his mouth. Little did you know what he was actually up to by judging his cryptic manners and body language articulated in every authentically unique motion. "I am still keeping in mind that those dear friends of you with whom we shared Thanksgiving, you are going to bring with yourself!"

"Do you think you have guessed the correct answer?" The mischievous tipsy undertones' tangoing your etched vowels and syllables formation of your inquiry couldn't stifle even the very flares' tender inflammation, fierily scorching the older gentleman's emphatically guttural snigger elaborating its lump's vibration seething his Adam apple. Regardless his condition, whether the alcohol taking a grave toll on him or the soberness infernally ferocious brimming its ineludibly eternal torrent of blood, surging through his very veins like the stormiest tempest, forcefully utmost erecting its preternaturally monumental waves, ready to slap the celestially smooth gilded sandy blanket scrunching the bare feet in a fresh summer afternoon, yet you would postpone to fulfill your task, or rather, solemnly honing your ears to elaborate its eavesdrop of his deeply heavy, honey-mouthed lilt etched graciously his ballad.

"I doubt that you would like to bring with yourself a square on a desolated island, Y/N!" The cusp of noxious pessimism and vindictive wryness prominently boiled the British aristocrat's jeering, whereas his virginally strong fingers toyed with the second drawer knob and subsequently channelizing to pull it forcefully towards his larger frame, which divided a meager distance with the furniture. "Why haven't you closed your eyes?"

"You haven't even told me so."

"Don't be childish, rara avis!" At the moment, the older man's fleet derision darkened the very timbre of his caution as his cinnamon brown huge, rotund abysses flicked up at you, impaling your being as if you were one of the devil's amenably hopeless preys of his demonically colossal claws that apt to revitalize the sore affliction chasing you down even in a majestically mere, piercing gaze. As usually, the older man wasn't passionately looking forward to revel in the unpreventably noxious alcohol's plague, streaming its childlikely vigorous wavelets dilating and diving in the heinously endless sea of drunkness's remnants and aftermaths to submerge him. Notwithstanding his absent fervor to regulate the swigged glasses of sinfully insatiable liquor sweetening with its bitterly cloying flavor his tongue tip, he sometimes couldn't stifle his inner voices' bluntly blatant, heinously ear-splitting roars stimulate his motivation even to crook his pristinely silken fingers circa the alcoholic beverage's bottle to pour himself. You have embraced Timothy with his outstanding imperfections and incontrovertibly positive traits formatting his one of a kind persona. Once the godlessly luscious alcoholic beverage's endemic scent wafted into the prey's amenably tiny nostrils and softly inhaling its unkindly pervasive aroma suffusing the thin air's scale of space it traded with the victim, there was no escape except for not even daring to exchange a meager distance, besides not savouring the liquor at all. "If you just don't close your eyes, therefore it won't be a surprise anymore. Be on the ball!"

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