Newfangled Catharsis

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✞ We're all searching

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We're all searching

for someone whose demons

play well with ours

--- *** ---
--- The Next Morning ---

Once the following day became a victim of the early morning's celestially aureate, thickly vibrant mantle outcasting the baby blue sky and mounting up its peaks of the heavenly highlands, subsequently you and Timothy woke up bizarrely earlier than the usual as you were getting ready for the day, took individually a hot, steamy shower and sharing a long breakfast as Timothy's appetite leveled out abruptly. Yet the scale of lost pounds that were apprended to the holy priest's weight inscribed prominently its canvas of his bizarrely slender anatomy that towered yours.

The vibrantly sympathetic sun's coherent rays managed to pierce relentlessly sinister the kitchen window profusely filtering the room, whilst you and the older gentleman seated on the dining table. The marvelously mellifluous, everlasting birdsongs contorted across the façades as the rich composition of their elating ballad didn't vanish into the thin air since the very wee hours of the morning, in spite of the commonly frigid Boston early winter climate decrying its sharp reprimand to predominate over the late-autumn's surreptitiously dim inkling to cease from plastering its climate.

A quarter an hour behind the coherently secure walls of the kitchen swaddled cozily your very presences as your long fingers registered to cradle graciously the mugs of freshly brewed, happily steamy caffeine liquid pooling almost fully and permeating its vaguely silver, blissful smoke to engulf the rim of the cups. The plates of ordinary sandwiches ornamented with tomatoes, cucumbers and some cheese as the slice of bread was exquisitely buttered accompanied the very dining table though their meager distance inching with the cups of hot brown liquid.

"For how long did you consider that resignation?" Your Maryland lilt prominently punctured your posed question after the dozens of vowels and syllables promiscuously clashed for domination to construct one of the icebreakers to peter out the unevenly bone-chilling doldrum asphyxiating the site's walls. Squinting up your E/C bijous to prong graciously the aspiring Monsignor's coffee brown with a fashionably bashful smile embellishing your façades. The fiendishly sheer, inquisitive aroused interest to discover further his intentions and real motives behind his resignation of the diocese which he won't serve any longer and be reckoned as a member of the clergy.

"Once in a while since we met each other." Sluggishly buffing a broadly delicate, velvet smile plastering past the British aristocrat's naturally baby pinkish, scrumptiously plumpish lips, they curled at the logically rational utterance, hardly amenable to ebb off the intensity of the decibels. His virginally delicate, long fingers registered to lift the mug up to swig a handful of tiny, innocuous sips hydrating its infectiously scrumptious, bitter morning coffee's liquid lingering on his tongue tip.

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