Chapter 4

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"Wait? Mr. Too-good-for-his-good skips classes?" Fresh said teasingly. "Shut up," PJ said irritatedly. "No, no, we should skip together. That'd be hella funny," Fresh said, snickering.

PJ looked at Fresh, then closed his eyes, ignoring his statement.

"Uh, no, don't ignore me!" Fresh said.

The bell rang.

"Hey, if you actually skip this, meet up in the school's garden," Fresh said as he stood up.

Fresh grabbed his backpack before leaving the classroom. 


PJ and BP were walking down the halls together. 
Undyne had a different classroom, but PJ and BP had one together.

"You're not actually going to go, right?" BP asked. "Eh... Might as well, so see what our assignment is going to be about," PJ said. "Jams, you can't...!" "Why are you so worried? What's the worst that could happen?" PJ asked. "You...! You could be beaten, hurt, killed...! Fresh and his friends are ruthless...! Please don't go, PJ!" BP whined. PJ rolled his eyes. "You can not be serious," PJ said sarcastically. "PJ... Please... You might get hurt," BP said softly. PJ laughed. "Sometimes you really act like Palette and Gradient. It's unbelievable," PJ said through soft laughter. BP looked at PJ, then away. "Hey, BP. I'll be fine. Besides, there are cameras physically everywhere, so, they would know better," PJ said. "But--" "I'll be fine. See you at lunch, BP," PJ said before walking in a different direction. 

PJ quietly walked down the halls as he went to the complete opposite side of the school. 
Once he made it to the backdoors, which were opened, he heard his name. 

"Yo, PJ! What are you doing here?" 
PJ turned around to see 

"Yo, PJ! What are you doing here?" PJ turned around to see 

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((Yuh, her skin his milk chocolate. And she is Blasian owo))

"Oh, Alice. What's up?" PJ said. "I should be asking you that. No nerds are allowed in the garden unless they're invited," Alice said, bopping PJ's nose gently with her index finger. "Oh, um... Fresh invited me," PJ said. "Fresh, who hates everyone besides himself, invited you, Paperjam, to the garden," Alice said with a little sarcasm. 

"Yeah, I did. So what?" 

Fresh himself walked up with Alphys and two other guys. 


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Dom, Nerd PJ X Sub, Jock Fresh | Will you love me forever?Where stories live. Discover now