Chapter 46

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Fresh shivered because the body was close to slamming into him.

It was the guy.

Reaper's breath hitched.
He grabbed Fresh, pulling him back.

"Fresh... don't move... don't... move..." Reaper whispered. "But--" "Dont," Reaper growled.

The next thing Fresh and Reaper knew. 

PJ slammed Error against the wall, making it crack and dent
He was holding Error by his neck, in an attempt to snap it in half. 

Error and PJ looked different. 

Error had big, black wings. His fangs were out. His eyes were pure red and said "ERROR" in black. Error's body looked like it was glitching terribly. 
PJ had his wings out as well, but his eyes were all black. His fangs were out too. 

With a blink of an eye, Ink pulled PJ off of Error, forcing him to let go of Error. 
Error caught himself. 

Ink looked about to same, but his hair was flying, floating even. He had fangs out too. But he had no wings. His eyes were plain black. 

"You need to calm down!" Error growled as PJ struggled to get out of Ink hold. "I need to calm down!? After all the shit you put me through!?" PJ yelled. PJ grabbed Ink's wrist and flipped his body of him, slamming him on the ground. 

The whole ground shook and the floor cracks. 

"We apologized! Forgive and forget!" Error yelled back. "But you couldn't forgive me of something I didn't even do! This is the exact reason why Nightmare hates you! You're selfish and self-centered! You never take the blame for anything!" PJ said, then everything around them began to levitate. Broken pieces of the ground, walls, and ceiling were levitating, the lights kept flickering at different times. 

"I thought the drink was supposed to help..." Fresh whispered. "It did... If they were at full power, they would have destroyed the AU by now," Reaper whispered back, making Fresh shiver. 

Fresh saw Error grab PJ by his hair and yanked PJ down. 
Error looked beyond angry. 

Fresh, without thought, was about to do something, but Reaper grabbed him. 

PJ grabbed Error's arm and threw him off, slamming Error into Ink. 
Ink had caught Error and set him down. 

"I'll give you three seconds to calm down. If you don't, I will put you down," Ink hissed. PJ cracked his neck side to side. "Try me, bitch," PJ hissed. 

Fresh watched as his beloved got into a full-blown battle with Error and Ink. 
To Reaper, he could only see colors zooming by each other, he could only feel the ground tremble and shake. But Fresh could see everything perfectly since he was part vampire now. 

Fresh felt his head pound every time PJ was slammed against something. He just hated to see PJ like this. 

Suddenly, everything stopped. 
PJ and Ink stood in front of each other. 

PJ was glaring at Ink, looking up at him. 

Error was a bit far away, he was staring at them. 
He seemed to be doing nothing, but he was letting Ink feed off of his magic and make it his own. 

"I hate you," PJ hissed at Ink, who looked so pissed off, he looked like he wanted to kill PJ. "You are the worst excuse of a father. I thought you'd be there. I thought you'd understand but I guess you're just like Error," PJ hissed. He noticed Ink's pupils became small and red. "What are you gonna do Ink? Abuse me again? Make me feel like I'm unimportant? 'Cause that shit won't work on me ag-" PJ cut himself off when Ink did something he didn't expect. 

Ink had grabbed PJ by the neck.
He lifted PJ into the air and squeezed his hand, making PJ not able to breathe.

PJ tried kicking Ink. He grabbed Ink's wrist and hand, trying to set himself free, but he couldn't, even though he tried his hardest.

Suddenly, everyone heard a snap, then PJ's body went... limp. 

((Sorry-- short chapter. hehe. With me, if there's a short chapter, that means the story is coming to an end uwu))

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