Chapter 38

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Fresh, Reaper, and Geno were outside of the Fallacy mansion. 

The guards had seen Fresh, and let them in, since they know Fresh is truly PJ's lover. 

Fresh knew they didn't lock the door, but he had still knocked

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Fresh knew they didn't lock the door, but he had still knocked. 

There was a quick answer since they were vampires and can run quickly. 

The door opened, revealing Palette. 

Palette was wearing a bright yellow shirt with lime green overalls. They were long. He was wearing white tennis shoes. 

Palette smiled. 

"If you're here, where's PJ!?" Palette asked happily, but he frowned when Fresh looked away. "That's why we're here," Reaper said. "Where's Error and Ink?" Geno asked. "Yeah... they're cooking.... come on..." Palette said softly. 

They all walked inside, then Palette closed the door. 

Palette zoomed off. 

"I'm afraid that if I use those powers around them, they'll murder me," Fresh mumbled, then Reaper snickered. 

The three made it to the kitchen. 

Error was baking treats

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Error was baking treats. Ink was leaning against a counter, Gradient was sitting on the island counter, by the sink playing games, and Palette was standing by Gradient, looking at his device. 
It was wearing a simple black jumpsuit. 

Ink and Error stopped what they were doing and looked at Fresh with a glare. 

"Ink, Error, no need to get feisty," Reaper said, laughing. "Why'd you bring him here?" Error asked. "We need to talk," Geno said. "I'm not talking to that kid," Error growled. "Whatever could Fresh do?" Reaper said. 

Fresh whispered to Reaper. 

"I kind of... said that PJ is going to die as Cil did... then said Gradient and Palette would be next..." Fresh whispered. "B-But...! It was because they cut PJ's insurance off..." Fresh whispered, and Geno heard too. 

"Error, you really need to get it together..." Reaper said. "Alright, time is up for your stay," Ink said. "No, wait. It's about PJ," Geno said. "We don't want to hear it," Ink and Error said. Gradient snickered. "PJ is a disgrace to this family," Gradient said, then Fresh glared at Gradient. "Oh, right, Gradient, says the one that can't even get a B average in school. Don't make me fucking break your--" Geno grabbed Fresh, covering his mouth. 

"Get out," Error said. 

"The people that kidnapped PJ and Cil... They escaped from jail two weeks ago. We didn't say because we thought that it could be solved, but PJ was kidnapped six days ago," Reaper said. Palette frowned. He looked at Ink, then Error. "That's not our problem," Ink said. "Daddy!" Palette said. "What has gotten into you, Ink?" Geno asked. "PJ isn't our problem anymore. He decided he doesn't want to be cared for anymore," Ink said. 

Fresh snatched away from Geno. 

"I was there, you're lying! They kicked him out weeks ago!" Fresh looked at Reaper. Reaper looked at Fresh, then Error. "Error, you can't be serious. All of this because of Cil?" Reaper asked. 

"Come on, it's time for you both to leave," Ink said. Reaper glared at Ink. Reaper pulled out a warrant and his ID. "I have the right to search this place for evidence we need," Reaper said. "Reaper, are you serious?" Error growled. "I don't have to ask. I mean, I'll ask my friends, people who I'm close with, but since you're just people that work for us, we don't need to ask you," Reaper said. 

"Don't make us kicked you out again," Ink said. "Kick us out, we'll get you fired and arrested for tampering with evidence, assault, and as a suspect for the crime," Reaper said before walking away. 

"Wait, Mr. Reaper... what are you looking for?" Palette followed. 

"We need to track down PJ before it's too late," Geno answered. "You need his scent?" Palette asked, looking at Fresh. "Yeah, so we were going to get his hoodie," Fresh said. "Oh, no, that won't be good. Yeah, he wears his hoodies, but not as much as his headphones. There in his studio," Palette said, running ahead of them. 

Palette lead them to a studio. 

"PJ would kill me if I let anyone in... especially Fresh. He's embarrassed about it, so I'll grab his headphones," Palette said. 

Palette ran in, then in a few seconds, he ran out, closing the door behind him. 

They were very fancy headphones. 
They were black and glowed at certain places, like a lava lamp. 

Fresh took them, then sniffed them. He blushed, hugging the headphones. 

"Oh PJ..." Fresh mumbled. Palette smiled. "Oh! And just in case!" Palette zoomed off, then he zoomed back in with a hoodie. He handed it to Fresh, who blushed. 

"Thank you," Fresh said, taking the hoodie that smelled just like PJ. 

"Alright, let's go. We have to find PJ," Reaper said. 

"Oh, wait," Palette called before they left. 

"...PJ is down... The only people that can keep PJ is check is my parent and my uncle Nightmare... Even the kidnappers won't know how to keep down the Peur... So maybe you should ask my uncle Nightmare... If PJ were to wake up, he could easily leave, so he's not awake," Palette said. "Thank you," Fresh said with a smile. 

Geno, Reaper, and Fresh walked off. 
They went downstairs, only to run into Gradient. 

"PJ is overprotective, especially over Fresh, so if Fresh was to get hurt in anyway, you'd make his Peur and Destroyer wake up," Gradient said. "Thanks buddy. I knew you were not emo on the inside," Reaper said, patting Gradient head. Gradient hissed at him as Reaper laughed, taking his hand away. 

Gradient looked at Fresh, then away. 
Fresh glared at Gradient. 

"Um... If Fresh can't find PJ, then the only people who can are my parents. The only way to get them to help is if you guilt trip them," Gradient said. "And how would you do that?" Geno asked. "Well, me and Pally found out at Cil when PJ did... So just bring up Cil's death," Gradient said. "That doesn't work," Reaper said. "No, it does. My parents cut PJ off after they kicked him out, Fresh called. And they put money back on because Fresh talked about Cil. It's their one of their weakest points," Gradient said. "Then what's their weakest?" Fresh asked. "I don't know," Gradient said. 

"Thank Gradient. We owe ya," Reaper said, walking away with Geno. 

Gradient looked away from Fresh. 

"Listen, you might've helped with this, but that doesn't make you a good person. You put a bunch of shit on PJ and put him through hell," Fresh growled. "He deserves it," Gradient said. "What did he do to deserve it, then?" Fresh asked irritatedly. 

Gradient didn't say anything, he just went off of what his parents say. 

"That's what I thought. Nothing," Fresh hissed before walking away. 

Palette ran up to Gradient. 

"Fresh has a point," Palette said. Gradient scoffed as Palette giggled. 

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