Chapter 11

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PJ was at his house, in the kitchen. 

Error wasn't allowing PJ to go to school for the rest of the week because Error was refusing to let PJ have any contact with Fresh

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Error wasn't allowing PJ to go to school for the rest of the week because Error was refusing to let PJ have any contact with Fresh. Though, he has no idea of what Fresh and PJ were doing before they found him. 

PJ was sitting crisscross-applesauce on the island counter. He had papers around him and his laptop on his lap. 

Ink was in the kitchen with PJ, helping him with his homework. 

PJ was about done though. 

"We were supposed to take an important test today," PJ said. "Gradient is going to tell your teacher on bed rest because of the doctor," Ink said. "You know Gradient wouldn't do that," PJ said. "Error told him to," Ink said, then PJ sighed, looking down. 

"I know I'm sick... but I don't have a whole life to live..." PJ whispered. "What are you talking about?" Ink asked. "Dad isn't letting me live... Would if I only have 1 year left... I don't understand why he just can't me live," PJ said softly. Ink took a deep breath. "We're trying out best to make the date as long as possible, but--" "What's the point of making it longer if I'm not living it? I just wish Dad would treat me like a normal kid... or at least act as if he cares about me just as much as Gradient or Palette," PJ said as Ink frowned. 

"What do you want to do?" Ink asked. "I want to date... I want to go on roller coasters and just spend the rest of my life being happy," PJ said. "You want to go out there, but all those things may cause your death to be closer, PaperJam," Ink said. "I know, but--" "PaperJam, please, listen. Error's worst fear is losing you. He's caring you and harsh on you because he knows that you'll accidentally cause your death to be faster," Ink said as PJ sighed, looking away. 

"Can I at least date?" PJ asked. "No, PJ. You can't have a boyfriend or girlfriend yet. It'll make your soul unstable," Ink said as PJ looked down. "I don't care... I'm tired of this... All I do is wake up, take medications, eat, take medication, go to school, take medications, learn, take medications, go home, take medications, then do my homework, take my other medications, then go to sleep using medications," PJ said. Ink let out a sigh, looking at PJ. "Jams, I know you're upset with your new treatments, but you have to. Do it for your brothers," Ink said. "I disowned them," PJ said. "PaperJam," Ink called, then PJ sighed. "Fine," PJ said as Ink smiled of relief. "Thank you," Ink said. "So can I date?" PJ asked. "Not that green-haired kid," Ink said. "But..." PJ whispered. "Your dad would have my head if I ever let you hang out with him," Ink said as PJ frowned. "You let me date people before but they always ended up cheating on me or stealing... Fresh isn't like that... He's different," PJ said. Ink laughed a little. "PJ, I know you want to date him but you just can't, OK?" Ink said as PJ looked away.

"Ink! I'm going out for the business trip!" Error said, walking in the kitchen. 
Error was wearing...

((I just really like looking at and finding cute outfits))

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((I just really like looking at and finding cute outfits))

"Alright. Me and PaperJam are going to go out today," Ink said. "Ink, he's grounded," Error said as Ink kissed his forehead. "I need to show PJ something," Ink said as PJ sighed. "PJ, did you take your medication?" Error asked. "No, I don't--" "You're taking them, now," Error said as he summoned a normal size cup. 

It was filled with pills. 

Just looking at them, PJ felt sick

"Ah, mon amour! Little at a time!" Ink said, grabbing the cup from Error. Ink set the cup down and got a water bottle from the fridge. 

Ink handed it to PJ and took out a few pills and handed it to PJ. 

"I thought I was prescribed liquid," PJ said. "They said that since you're almost 16 they can't let you take liquid then change it," Ink said. "PaperJam, don't be a baby, take it," Error said a bit irritatedly. 

PJ bit his bottom lip lightly before putting the pills in his mouth and drinking the water. 
The process went on for a few minutes. 
Ink handed PJ pills and PJ took them with water. 

When PJ took the last ones he had felt unbelievable sick. 

"Alright, I'm going to head out now," Error said as Ink kissed his cheek. "Bye," Error said, laughing a little as he left. 

"I still don't know how he, out of all people, forgave you for cheating," PJ said, then Ink flicked him on the forehead. "Ow," PJ said. "Tu sais ce qui s'est passé, bon sang," Ink said as PJ laughed. 
"You know what happened, dammit."

"Are we actually going out, or did you just lie?" PJ asked. "No, we're going, so go get ready. I might even pick up your friend," Ink said. "I thought..." "He makes you happy. I might let it happen," Ink said as PJ's eyes lit up. "Seriously!?" PJ said with excitement. Ink smiled softly at PJ. "Yes, as long as it's not... bad. You know what I mean," Ink said as PJ snickered and stood up before walking away. 

PJ went upstairs to his bedroom as his heart thump. 

Ink is so much more caring than Dad is. Or, ever was. PJ thought as he began blushing as he thought of vivid memories of Fresh. 

PJ and Fresh were in their bedrooms. They were video calling each other. 

PJ was sitting crisscross-applesauce on his bed. He had his laptop on his legs. 
PJ was wearing black basketball shorts and a black hoodie. 

Fresh, on the other hand, was laying down. 

He had arms propped up and his resting was resting on it. 
Fresh was wearing a black and white panda onesie. The hood was down, which revealed his very messy and long green hair. 

"We literally have broken up weeks ago! How is no one noticing?!" Fresh said as PJ laughed, which made Fresh blush and smile. "Because," PJ said as Fresh laughed. 
PJ looked at his screen, slightly blushing at Fresh who was laughing. 

PJ let out a sigh. 
He could feel his heart pound with excitement. 

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