Chapter 10

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PJ was hesitant, but he pressed his lips on Fresh's lips gently. 

In a matter of seconds, both of the teenagers had their eyes closed and the next thing that they knew, their tongues were against one another's.

Fresh back away, the two looking at each other.

"I'm sorry, I--" PJ was cut off when Fresh kissed him.

The two teenagers had never experienced having someone so close. Hell, this was their first kiss.
They never felt so good and warm inside before.

Soon enough, they broke away, panting from the lack of air.

Fresh smiled at PJ, who smiled back just as brightly.
Fresh rubbed his thumb on PJ's cheek.

Fresh was a little hesitant, but he trailed his hand from PJ's cheek to his shoulder. Fresh wrapped an arm around PJ, then forced the two in a different position.

Fresh was laid on the ground with PJ on top of him. PJ was in between Fresh's legs, which were bent and up.
PJ, for comfort, had his forearms by both sides of Fresh's head, on the grass.

"Is this too much?" PJ asked, then Fresh shook his head lightly. "Can we... can we please keep on going?" Fresh asked softly. PJ nodded once before leaning down, pressing their lips on each others again.

The "kissing sessions" had gone on for what felt like an eternity of bliss for the two of them.

It didn't end because of them, but because they heard PJ's name being called.

"PAPERJAM!!!" a voice echoed.

PJ pulled and from Fresh, who slightly shivered from the lack of body on his own.

The two had gotten so into it, that a few of their clothing was off.

PJ wasn't wearing his jacket nor a shirt. Though he had a tank top.
PJ's belt was opened and his pants were unbuttoned and unzipped. He wasn't even wearing his glasses.

Fresh looked at PJ with hearts in his eyes.
He was panting.
Fresh wasn't wearing his shirt and he didn't have a tank top.
Fresh's hair was down since they took his hairband off.

"PJ!!!" a different voice called, but they were closer.

"Shit!" PJ whispered, sitting up.
Fresh felt his heart throb of happiness when he saw PJ hurrying to zip up and button his pants. Once done, PJ fixed his belt before grabbed his shirt and put it on.

"Put your clothes on," PJ whispered as Fresh got up.
Fresh grabbed his shirt and put it on as PJ put on his jacket.

PJ grabbed his glasses, which were next to Fresh, then put them on.

PJ quickly sat down, criss cross-apple sauce as he looked up at the stars.

"PJ?" Fresh whispered as he grabbed his hair tie. "That one right there is my favorite," PJ said, point of a small star, which confused Fresh.

Fresh frowned a little when PJ didn't say anything else.

"What are you doing?"

Someone teleported right in front of PJ.

It was Error, who looked pissed off.

"And who's that?" Error asked irritatedly as he glared at PJ. "We were just looking at the stars. I told him I was going to paint it," PJ said, half lying. "What were you two doing?" Error asked as Fresh looked down.

"We weren't doing anything. You know I wouldn't," PJ said, then Error sighed irritatedly. "Let's go. You're so grounded," Error said, just as Ink ran up.

Dom, Nerd PJ X Sub, Jock Fresh | Will you love me forever?Where stories live. Discover now