Chapter 41

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Fresh, Reaper, and Parry had been trying to find PJ for about seven hours now. 

Reaper was fine since he was used to using energy like this, but Fresh and Parry were about to collapse. 

"Hey, Fresh..." Parry called as the three off them went around buildings, following the trail. "Yeah?" Fresh answered. "Would if we never find PJ..." Parry whispered. Fresh instantly frowned, trying his hardest not to tear up... but... "We'll find him... W-We have to find him," Fresh said. 

"Fresh, just in case this method doesn't work, I called Geno and asked him to set up out original plan. We'll have to get you back and let you rest, then start with the original plan," Reaper said. "No! I can't rest! How can I rest knowing that my mate is out of my sight?! H-He could be getting hurt...! O-Or they could be making him feel like he's nothing... And treating him like his parents! I-I can't rest!" Fresh said, tearing up. 

PJ was sitting on his bed. He was at his parents' house, in his room. 
He was staring at Fresh, who was practicing his singing since Fresh had to sing for his cousin, whose birthday is coming up. 

Fresh was blushing deeply. He didn't like singing in front of people, but he couldn't decline his cousin...

"Deep breaths mon amour," PJ said, smiling. Fresh blushed harder, looking away out of embarrassment. "It's just me my love. No need to be afraid," PJ said.

"PJ had always been there for me... Even when he wasn't there physically, he always protected me..." Fresh said quietly. 

Fresh was sitting on the couch at his parents' place. He was watching TV as he doodled on pieces of paper. Fresh doesn't really draw that much anymore, only because PJ was beyond better than him. Fresh was way too embarrassed to even tell PJ he liked drawing. 

Fresh sighed as he looked at the paper. 

It was just a sketch of PJ, but as an animation... It was realistic at all. 

"Alright, Fresh, it's my turn to watch TV." Victor walked into the room, blocking Fresh's view of the TV. "I started watching 12 minutes about. The movie isn't even halfway done," Fresh said. "And? I paid for the bills and I'm not going to miss my game," Victor said. "You already have the game recorded," Fresh said. Victor scoffed, glaring at Fresh. "You need to get up and leave. I let you watch TV yesterday," Victor said. "Cray was watching TV, I was waiting until he was done so I can pick a movie, which I must remind you, that I didn't," Fresh said. 

Victor clutched his fists. He grabbed Fresh by his wrist, but he quickly let go when a black collar and chain appeared on his neck. 

Fresh gasped looking at Victor, that was forced to the floor by the chains. 

Fresh knew, from the feeling of the magic, it was PJ.

Fresh blushed. 

Thank you, PJ...

"A-And this is one of the few times that PJ needs me...! I can't fail him, Reaper...! I-I can't...! Never in his life, as he leaned on someone because he was scared... And he finally leaned on someone and it was me and I can't let him down...!" Fresh's voice cracked multiple times. Reaper's eyes grew soft. "Fresh, you have to understand that you can't help PJ if you're not helping yourself," Reaper said. Fresh sniffed as Parry looked away. "Let's finish this trail, but if it doesn't work, then we can rest for 10 minutes-- tops!" Fresh said. Reaper took a deep breath. "Sure," Reaper said. 

After more dreadful hours, Fresh, Parry, and Reaper made it to a huge building. 

It was run down, falling apart. 
Reaper pulled out a gadget. He pointed it at the building, then the gadget scanned it. 

Dom, Nerd PJ X Sub, Jock Fresh | Will you love me forever?Where stories live. Discover now