Chapter 7

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A continuation of Chapter 6

After some time, PJ had finished his art project. 

PJ sighed and took off his glasses

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PJ sighed and took off his glasses. 

PJ looked at his clothes, which was dirty because he kept rubbing his hands on his clothes from a bunch of Ink. 

PJ looked at Fresh, who was sitting at a desk, staring at his phone. 

"Fresh," PJ called. Fresh looked at him. "Can you clean these?" PJ asked. "Oh, yeah, sure," Fresh said, holding his hand out. 

PJ handed Fresh his glasses. 

Fresh set his phone down. 

"Um... Do I breathe on it?" Fresh asked. "No...? That's bad for it," PJ said. "Yeah, OK," Fresh said as he grabbed the bottom of his shirt. 

He gently wiped both sides of the lenses, both of them. 

Once down, he held his hand out. "Here," he said then PJ took them. 

Fresh looked at PJ without his glasses, which made his cheeks warm up a little. 

PJ brought his glasses to close as if he was putting them on and squinted his eyes. 

He looked at the spotlessly clean lenses 

"Thanks," PJ said, putting his glasses on. "Sure. Now, can we go skating?" Fresh asked. PJ rolled his eyes. "Yeah," PJ said. 

"PJ, you can leave it out," the teacher said before PJ started cleaning. "K," PJ said as Fresh stood up and stretched. 

PJ looked at Fresh, then started leaving, making Fresh follow. 

"I need to change first," PJ said as they walked towards the front of the school. "Where?" Fresh asked. "At my vehicle...?" PJ said. "Oh, OK," Fresh said. 

When they made it to PJ's ride, Fresh stared at it. 

"You have a motorcycle!?" Fresh squealed as PJ went through a side bag towards the back. "Yeah... Why?" PJ asked. "This is hella tight!" Fresh said. 

It was black and shiny. It had a black motorcycle helmet on the left handle. 

"Oh, um, yeah, sure," PJ said. 

PJ took off his jacket then his shirt, revealing he was wearing a tank top. 

Fresh unintentionally stared at him as PJ grabbed another shirt. 
PJ put his dirty jacket and shirt away before putting on the new shirt, which was just a black hoodie. 

PJ buckled the bag before pulling out keys from his pants pocket. 

"So, which rink?" PJ asked as Fresh looked away then back at him. "The nearest one," Fresh said. "Alright," PJ said as he got on his motorcycle. 

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