Chapter 37

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Fresh woke up in a panic. 

"Woah, dear, calm down! You're safe!" 

Fresh looked around. 
He was in a hospital room. He had been laying on the bed, but he was sitting up on it. 

By Fresh was a nurse, Gabriella, and Andre. 

Everything around Fresh began to sway. 

"What is PJ!?" Fresh yelled. "Fresh, calm down," Andre growled. Fresh teared up as he calmed down, then swaying stopped. "They took him! They kidnapped PJ!" Fresh whined as he buried his face in his hands. 
Fresh looked up. 

"How long was I out!? The scent may still be fresh!" Fresh said. "You were knocked out for about six days..." Andre said. 

Tears slid down Fresh's cheeks. 

"My mate... H-He's..." Fresh felt in his soul that PJ was alive, but it hurt because PJ was gone. "What happened?" Gabriellas asked. The nurse walked out since they did their job. 

"I don't know...! There were four people! I was falling asleep and one of them lifted him up and took PJ! And I chased them and I had him and then everything when black!" Fresh said through sobs. "Fresh, love, it's going to be fine," Gabriella said. "I-It's not...! He needs his medication and his parents don't care about him...! He won't make it if I'm not there to give him a reason to live..."  Fresh said, sobbing uncontrollably. 

Gabriella hugged Fresh, blush Fresh hissed at her. 

Gabriella quickly backed away from him then Andre looked at Fresh worriedly. 

"Fresh..." Andre whispered. "H-He turned me... I turned him... A-And we're supposed to live for eternity together...!" Fresh cried. He clutched onto his head. 

Someone barged in the room with someone else.

"Where is he!?"

It was Reaper, who dragged Geno along. 

Fresh felt guilty as he cried harder. 
Reaper frowned. 

"Who are you?" Andre growled. "That's doesn't matter right now-- Fresh, come on, PJ is completely off out radar... I thought they took you too...! But they had a record of you in a short coma," Reaper said. Fresh clutched his fists. "I had him...! I failed...!" Fresh said. Reaper took a deep breath. "When is the last time you had sex with PJ?" Geno asked. "Excuse me!?" Andre growled. 

"Daddy, it's fine... They have ways to find PJ... can you let us talk?" Fresh asked. 
Andre sighed. He left the room, pulling Gabriella out too and shutting the door behind him. 

"When was the last time you had sex with PJ?" Geno asked. Fresh blushed. "It was weeks ago... And even if it was sooner, we changed each other... Our DNA is different," Fresh said softly. Reaper growled to himself. 

Geno took a deep breath. 

"Have you kissed?" Geno asked. "They told me I was in a coma for six days..." Fresh said. "...Since PJ is part werewolf now, we'll have to use his scent. But you're the only one that can track him..." Reaper said. "I can't sniff him out...!" "You can with machines. We just need something that PJ uses the most. Something that is doused in PJ's scent," Geno said. "His favorite hoodie... I know where it is. It's at his parent's house," Fresh said. "You can just say his house, dear," Reaper said. "You don't know...?" Fresh asked softly. "Know what?" Geno and Reaper asked. Fresh sighed. "It's nothin'. Let's just go," Fresh said. 

"Alright," Reaper said. 

Fresh got up. 
He was wearing different clothing. 
Fresh saw a bag. 

He went to it and quickly changed. Using his... new vampire speed. 

Fresh was wearing his pocky outfit-- again. 

"Alright, I'm ready," Fresh said, walking off as his tail swayed slowly

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"Alright, I'm ready," Fresh said, walking off as his tail swayed slowly. 

The three of them walked out of the room to see Andre and Gabriella. 

"Where do you think you're going?" Andre asked. "To find PJ?" Fresh said. "And put yourself in danger?" Andre asked. "Daddy, please...! I can do it...!" Fresh said. "What makes you think you can track down a vampire?" Andre asked. Fresh blushed deeply, looking away. "You bit him?" Gabriella asked. "He wanted me to!" Fresh said, then Andre grabbed Fresh. 

Andre grabbed Fresh with one hand, under his chin. He had a hold on both of Fresh's cheeks. 

"You let him bite you!?" Andre growled. "I asked him to," Fresh said, pulling away. "Why would--" Andre growled angrily. "Because I wanted to be linked for eternity...! Now that I'm part vampire, I won't have to keep having sex with PJ so we can stay mates... And I'll understand PJ more and he'll understand me...! We complete each other fully now," Fresh said. 

Andre took a deep breath. 

"Um, sir, if I may speak? I would like to say that your kid has a few points. Now that he's done that, if any of them get hurt or go missing, they'll be able to use each other to track them," Reaper said. "My kid isn't going to go missing or get hurt," Andre said. "Dre... please... Fresh is growing up... let him do this. He really cares about the boy," Gabriella said. "Gabby, think logically. You want me to let my kid run off with two strangers I don't know to find another kid that's missing. When he could get hurt," Andre said. 

"Dad. I'll be fine. Besides, if I was to get hurt or something it's not like the people would live to see another day-- But that's not the point. I'll be fine, so please...! I need PJ back," Fresh said. 

Andre took a deep breath. 

"You have a week, tops. If you're not done by then and you don't come back, I'll track you myself and you don't want that to happen," Andre growled. "K," Fresh said. 

Fresh walked off with Reaper and Geno. 

"What happens when he tracks you?" Geno asked. "We're both parasite holders, so when a parent tracks a kid through the parasite, one, it hurts, two, they'll kill almost everyone to get to their kid, and three, we'll be punished. It's just a parasite thing. They're overprotective over their lover and kids," Fresh said. 

"But okay. Let's go to PJ's-- home, and get his things," Fresh said. "Right!" Reaper said. 

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