Chapter 48

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"Come in~" Reaper sang happily. 

Four people walked through the door. 

Fresh quickly got off of PJ, nervously laughed as he looked at them. 

It was Nightmare, Cross, Moon, and Cil. 
Cil was in their dimension, not the soul dimension, but he was hiding behind Moon. 

"Nightmare, Cross," Error grumbled, looking away. "Awe... Is my little Ruru still mad at me for blocking you?" Nightmare said in a baby voice. He walked up to Error, petting his head. Error hissed at him, smacking his hand away. Nightmare smirked and hugged Error into his chest. 

Error sighed, hesitantly hugging Nightmare back. 

"PJ...!" Moon said, getting PJ's attention. PJ smiled and waved. "Who's that?" PJ asked, making Cil hide more behind Moon. 

Fresh gasped and smiled. 
He ran up to Cil, pulling him from behind Moon. 

Cil's hair lit up as he blushed, looking down. 

Fresh grabbed both of Cil's hands. 
"Don't worry... They'll understand..." Fresh whispered. 

A hand had set on Fresh's head, slightly pulling him back. 
It was PJ. 

"When did you change..." Fresh mumbled. 

((PJ's wearing black jeans and a slightly baggy hoodie))

Cil looked at PJ, then nervously smiled. 

"H-Hey Jo..." Cil said quietly, looking away again. "Hmm..." PJ slightly pushed Fresh out the way. He sniffed Cil by his hair and neck. 

Reaper facepalmed himself. 

"PJ! Why must you act so weird!?" Moon growled then PJ backed away. 

"That's totally cool!" PJ said, grabbing Cil's hand. PJ held Cil's with both hands with a smile. "I mean, a familiar soul in the AU, but I didn't expect it to be you, of all people," PJ said as Cil smiled. 

"PJ, what are you talking about?" Palette asked. 

PJ pulled Cil in a different position. 
He got them both to face Error and Ink. 

"Dad, Ink, look his eyes," PJ said. He moved Cil's hair away from his eye as Cil looked away without moving his head. 

"I'm not catching on," Ink mumbled. Error didn't say anything. He just squinted his eyes. "It's fine... It's been 11 years..." Cil said quietly. 

"Ink, you are so stupid!" Cross said, laughing as Moon smirked. Nightmare glared at them both, making them shut up and stop smiling. 

"Familiar... yes..." Error mumbled. 

"I don't know what's going on," Gradient grumbled. Cil scoffed, rolling his eyes. "Gray, you never pay attention to anything, how do you expect to know anything if you never practice paying attention to your surround..." Cil trailed off when Error was suddenly in front of him. 

Error slapped PJ's hands away from Cil, making PJ glare, then look away. 

Fresh giggled, then PJ glared at him, making Fresh laugh. 

Error hesitantly cupped Cil's cheeks. 
Cil blushed and softly smiled as his hair lit up. 

Error suddenly hugged Cil into his chest, making Cil feel relieved. 
Cil hesitantly hugged Error back. 

"I missed you so much...!" Error said as Cil smiled. "I-I missed you too..." Cil whispered. 

"See, you can always count of Error," Reaper said. "You have to be straight forward with me," Ink said. "I mean, I kinda understand Ink's position. He's the dad, Error's more like the mother. A mother never forgets their kin. The dad is known to forgive, forget, and move on," Moon said. 

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