Chapter 25

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PJ and Fresh were in their last class of the day. 
It was Friday that day. 

They were in the corner together.

There were beanbags and PJ was laying on his back on the biggest one. 
Fresh was straddling PJ, his head resting on PJ's chest since he was laying on PJ. 
PJ had one hand relaxing on Fresh's back and the other on his forehead.

The teacher was well aware of the two, but they weren't going to bother waking them up for the lessons. They were simply going to inform their parents. 

Other students were snickering, some taking pictures too. 

After the class was over, the bell rang, but it didn't wake up the couple. 

A few students had to wake Fresh up. 

Fresh tiredly sat up as the students walked away. 
He rubbed his eyes with a yawn. He looked at PJ, who was still asleep. 

Fresh smiled. 

"PJ... Wake up..." Fresh said quietly. PJ opened his eyes looking at Fresh, who was smiling. "Come on, class over," Fresh said. "I'm so tired," PJ said. Fresh giggled. "Come on," Fresh said, standing up. PJ got up too. 

Both of them stretched before grabbing their things and leaving. 
They had both went to their lockers, separated, to put their things away. 

Then, they met back up in the school parking lot. 

"Let's go to my place... my parents are out of town this week. Gray is staying with Bluescreen and Pally is going over Goth's," PJ said. "K," Fresh said as they walked to PJ's motorcycle. 

After the two arrived at PJ's home, they walked inside. 
PJ went to the kitchen so he and Fresh could eat. 

Fresh followed PJ as he blushed. 
He had remembered he and PJ were going to mate today. 

"PJ," Fresh called. "Yeah?" PJ answered. He was going through the cabinet for ingredients. "When are we going to mate? Can it be today?" Fresh asked, making PJ blush. "Whenever you're ready... I'll always be ready to hear you scream my name..." PJ said, making Fresh's heart flutter. "PJ..." Fresh whispered. PJ blushed and smiled. "You're so adorable," PJ said. "It's weird, to know that you're younger than me, yet you control me," Fresh said. PJ laughed a little. "It's the other way around. Everything I do is for you...! If you weren't here, I wouldn't be here right now... You... I... You own me... I belong to you," PJ said, making Fresh blush deeply. "I...! I love you so much...!" Fresh said happily. "I don't know what I'd do without you," Fresh said quietly. 

PJ stopped what he was doing. 
He got out of Fresh's touch, then grabbed both of Fresh's hands with both of his. 

"Then we need each other!" PJ said with a smile. Fresh smiled. Fresh pulled his hands away from PJ and cupped his cheeks. "No more being unhappy or depressed...! We have each other now...!" Fresh said, then PJ smiled brightly. PJ hugged Fresh by his waist. 

"Do you like singing?" PJ asked. "Weird topic change... But I can't sing," Fresh said. "That's a lie. You sing when you think I'm asleep all the time," PJ said. Fresh blushed out of embarrassment. PJ laughed a little. "I like making music and you like singing... We can have a job together, one that makes us happy," PJ said. Fresh smiled. "Well... I like singing, yes, but I like dancing too," Fresh said. "You can dance to the music too," PJ sad as Fresh giggled. 

Fresh stood on his tippy toes, trying to get closer to PJ.
PJ bent down to Fresh a bit. 

Fresh smiled and kissed PJ on the lips quickly. Fresh rubbed PJ's cheeks with his thumbs then gave PJ another quick kiss, then another, and another, and another. 
"Your lips are so soft... What the hell do you use?" Fresh asked. "Vaseline," PJ said, then Fresh pressed his lips on PJ's again. PJ smiled as Fresh backed away. Fresh felt PJ's lip with his right thumb, then sighed. "I wish my lips were as soft..." Fresh said. "I think they are," PJ said. "They keep on peeling though," Fresh said. "Just put on vaseline before you go to sleep every night and when you wake up," PJ said, then Fresh pressed his lips on PJ. Fresh giggled at PJ, who was blushing. 

Dom, Nerd PJ X Sub, Jock Fresh | Will you love me forever?Where stories live. Discover now