Chapter 1

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There he was, in the waiting room, waiting for the secretary to call his name. Monoma sat on his left side and Tetsutetsu on his right. This was the third time Kirishima had got into trouble that month and the surprising thing was, that of all the times he had gotten into trouble, none of them were his fault. They were Monoma's. Ever since he came out, Monoma had been more of a pain in the ass. At least Tetsutetsu has always been there for him. Ever since the Sports Festival, where they had a boxing match against each other, they had become great friends. When Monoma commented something hurtful directed towards Kirishima, Tetsutetsu was the first one to defend him, his only competition being Bakugo and Kaminari, Kirishima's other friends.

"What brings you here this time?" the secretary asked.

"Same thing as last time..." Kirishima said, a little ashamed. Tetsutetsu brought his hand up to Kirishima's shoulder, an expression on his face that said, "Don't worry is not your fault".

Monoma looked to the left, trying to ignore the scene that was happening to his right. It was annoying, having to stare at those to idiots, he felt like he needed bleach for his eyes.

"If it is the same thing as last time, I don't think you have to worry much Kirishima. After all I don't considerate it your fault." the secretary said, staring daggers at Monoma.

She is always so nice and understanding. Kirishima thought. Ever since Kirishima started to get into trouble, the only one who never judged him, other than his friends of course, was the secretary. Every time he went to the principal's office the secretary would be super nice with him, and super rude with Monoma. Maybe that's why he liked her.

Kirishima talked with Tetsutetsu some more until the secretary called their names.

"Kirishima, Tetsutetsu and Monoma"

The three boys stood up at the same time and walked towards the big, blue and intimidating door. The door had a nameplate that read: "Principal Nezu's office". The three of them gulped, everyone was scared of principal Nezu. Maybe he was an old man, around his 60's. Maybe he was only 4'5 ft. But this stuff didn't matter, he was still scary as fuck.

Kirishima carefully opened the door, peeking through the little crack. He began examining the room. Just when he began to think that he was safe and Principal Nezu was getting his lunch, he was proved wrong. His eyes met with Nezu's. The blank stare that he was being given, was a stare that no one could ever prepare for.

"You may enter"

The three boys entered hesitantly, like if they were to make any wrong move the room would explode. Kirishima and Tetsutetsu sat on the couch that was right in front of Nezu's desk, meanwhile Monoma sat on the chair on the right of the couch. They were all avoiding eye contact by looking at their laps, no one wanted to look at Nezu's blank stare.

"This is what, the third time you three come here this month?"

The three boys mentioned nodded, still avoiding eye contact.

"I expected that by the second time you would learn your lesson..." Silence followed.

Nezu arranged the papers that he had on his desk. He then proceeded to reading one of them out loud. "If a student gets in trouble three or more times in a month, the principal can decide on one of three options" the boys gulped, Nezu continued "One, detention; two, suspension; three, expulsion"

The third option sent shivers down Kirishima's spine. Being at UA was a great opportunity if he wanted to dedicate his life to boxing, after all UA was a sports university. There wasn't a university dedicated on sports better than that one. There were all kinds of sports from volleyball, to dancing, to boxing. The best thing though, was the fact that they also focused on the academic part, so that if you wanted to change professions you would be prepared to do almost everything. Of course, this meant that Kirishima had to study more than he liked, but he would do that if it meant being at the university of his dreams. He wasn't going to let Monoma take UA away from him. He had worked his ass of to enter UA in the first place.

"Excuse Principal Nezu, umm, I-I think that it would be u-unfair if you were to expulse Tetsutetsu and me because all I did was defend myself, and Tetsutetsu defended me too so, umm..." Kirishima said with all the courage that he could muster, looking up to make eye contact with Nezu. When he finally made eye contact with Nezu, he felt something that he had never felt around Principal Nezu: confidence.

"I never said that I would expulse any of you, so don't assume the worst" Principal Nezu intensified his glare, causing Kirishima to gulp. Well that confidence lasted long... Kirishima thought sarcastically. "I'm actually going to give you two" he pointed at Tetsutetsu and Kirishima "detention for three days and Monoma will be suspended for a week." Monoma opened his mouth to protest but was cut of by Nezu quickly "and I want no complaints"

"Understood" the three boys said and started getting up to leave. Just when they were walking out the door Nezu said "Kirishima stay, it won't take long" Kirishima turned his head and looked at Principal Nezu. The principal surprisingly wasn't giving him the death stare. Tetsutetsu looked at Kirishima with a "Are you going to be okay?" look. Kirishima nodded and made his way back to the couch. He tensed up when he heard the door close.

"Sorry for being so strict, I know that what you are going through must be hard, but you must understand that I can't give anyone a free pass when they insult someone in the school, even if the person insulted them first. I know that it is a little unfair, but the rules are the rules"

Kirishima nodded. He understood, what he did was wrong even of he wasn't the one started it.

Nezu let Kirishima leave, and leave he did. He didn't want to be at that office any longer that he had to. When he got out, he met with Tetsutetsu and walked with him to the dorms. They lived in different dorm buildings, so they separated in the middle of the walk, each making their way to their dorm building.

When Kirishima's dorm building was right in front of him, he could hear screams coming from inside. He smiled. He knew the people who were screaming, his best friends; Kaminari Denki, Ashido Mina,  Jirou Kyouda, Hanta Sero and Bakugou Katsuki.

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