Chapter 14

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Enjoy the chapter!

"Kirishima.. can I kiss you?"

Kirishima stared deeply into Kaminari's eyes, as if he was crazy. "I have a boyfriend...Bakugou and I started dating yesterday" Kirishima took a step back from Kaminari, uncomfortable. "I'm sorry-"

"Do you love him?"


"Do you love Bakugou?"

Kirishima stared at Kaminari wide eyed. "I can't say I love him yet.. but I like him. I like him a lot"

"Does he love you?"

Kirishima was shocked. He couldn't believe that Kaminari of all people was asking him all that. The Kaminari that was supposed to be dumb and playful, the Kaminari that wanted to play video games 24/7.. the Kaminari that was his best friend.

"That's what he said... and I believe him"

"I love you... do you believe me?" Kaminari was on the verge of tears, he felt drained; emotionally drained.

"... I do believe you, but- I like you as a friend, I don't like you romantically" Kirishima said as he looked down, he felt bad about his friend but he couldn't lie to him.

"Oh I- I understand.. but let me tell you something" Kaminari couldn't hold his tears any longer, so cristal tears fell down his cheeks.

"What?" Kirishima asked, almost afraid of what would happen.

"No one- I repeat no one, will love you like I do right now"

Kirishima gasped as Kaminari grabbed his jaw and smashed his lips onto his. Kirishima tried to separate himself from Kaminari but his grip was too strong.

Kaminari wanted to remember this moment, knowing that it could be his first and last kiss with his beloved.

When Kaminari finally pushed away he saw something that he wanted to erase from his mind. Kirishima was looking at him with a hint of disgust and disappointment in his eyes. All that Kaminari could muster to say was "why?"

"WHY?!?" Kirishima's expression changed from disappointment to anger "That's what I should be asking, why did you kiss me? I just told you I have a boyfriend, I just told you I really like him, I just told you that I like you as a friend!" Kirishima started crying, his anger was too much. He felt betrayed, his best friend, the first person that he came out to.. betrayed his trust.

Kirishima stood up abruptly and dashed to the door. He looked back for a second and made eye contact with Kaminari, I can't believe you. He turned his head, opened the door and closed it quietly behind him, as he made his way out of the room.

Kirishima arrived at his room and flopped on his bed. He felt horrible. Without realizing he started crying. Tears came out of his eyes faster than he could wipe them. Do I have to tell Bakugou? He IS my boyfriend, he should know this stuff. Won't he get mad a Kaminari? Well.. he has the right to, so... UGH! This is SO complicated! Who knew having a boyfriend would be this hard- scratch that- Who knew having a best friend, who is in love with you, would be this hard?!


"I told you that I liked you as a friend!"

Those words couldn't stop ringing inside Kaminari's head. He felt horrible but not because he kissed Kirishima. He felt horrible because Kirishima didn't love his back. Tears filled his cristal eyes, as sadness filled his heart. Why did Kirishima pick Bakugou instead of him? What did I do wrong? Was it what I talked about? Is he into tsunderes? I can be a tsundere! I'm a way better kisser.. maybe he'll realize that and come with me? What does Bakugou have that I don't?- other than the attitude of course.. Is it because he was brave enough to ask him to the party? Or is there a problem with me?

Kaminari paced around his room, trying to find an answer to his questions. Was he unlovable?

He laid on his bed, staring at the blank ceiling. He was about to fall asleep until he got an idea and jumped forward on his bed.

If Kirishima wants to love Bakugou, that's okay.. but what if something happens and he wants to come with me?

Is normal to have arguments and fights happen in relationships.

Is normal to be tired of someone and vent with a friend.

Is normal to break up because you hear that your partner is saying bad things about you.

Is normal to look for someone to lean to after a breakup.

Is normal for that person to be your best friend.

Is normal to be weak and want love after a breakup.

Is normal to hook up with someone after a breakup.

What if that person were to be me?

Kaminari continued to stare at the ceiling but instead of crying, he had a sly smile on his face.

Knock Knock

Word Count: 809

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