Chapter 13

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"So, what do you want Ei?" Bakugou stared at Kirishima's beautiful face as he flipped through the colorful menu.

"What are you gonna get?"

"Umm, a dark coffee and a stuffed jalapeno."

"Isn't that like spicy, spicy?" Kirishima had a worried look on his face. He knew Bakugou liked spicy things but he didn't want Bakugou's to burn his tongue or something. Oh my god, he had already started with the boyfriend worries.

"That's the point"

"okay... Well I'm gonna get the rainbow pancakes"
Kirishima had a bright smile on his face as he pointed at the menu. Bakugou chuckled.

"That's the kids area of the menu Kirishima"

"I know, but I want the rainbow pancakes"


"Rainbow pancakes" Kirishima stared into Bakugou's soul.

"You're not going to change your mind, are you?"

"Nope" Kirishima's expression quickly changed to a big smile.

"Fine baby, I guess you can have rainbow pancakes" Kirishima blushed and Bakugou did just as quickly as he realized what he had said. "I didn't mean that kind of baby.. I meant the baby baby" Bakugou said swinging his arms around with a slight blush still present on his face.

"I was kind of hoping you meant it the way it sounded" Kirishima murmured looking at his lap. The sentence didn't pass Bakugou.

"Okay, babe"

Before Kirishima could answer the waitress arrived at the table with a little notepad in her hands. "What would you like to order?"

The rest of the morning went by quickly. Their food arrived and they ate while they talked about random stuff that crossed their minds. When they were on their back to the dorms, they took a little detour to the park and Kirishima, dispute Bakugou's arguments, paid for hot chocolate for the both of them at a sweets stand.

"Don't you think that the trees are beautiful, that the flowers are wonderful, that the sky is unpredictable?" Kirishima stared up at the sky.

"I think that all those things apply to you... and that if you think too much, you'll fry your brain." Bakugou smiled and grabbed Kirishima's hand in his.

"You started off strong and then ruined it" Kirishima chuckled. "Seriously give me more credit, I think I'm pretty smart if I say so myse-"

Bakugou caught Kirishima of guard by leaving a little peck on his lips.

"Shut up"

"If that's what it takes for you too kiss me, then I won't shut up" Kirishima slightly elbowed Bakugou and did a hand gesture pointing at his face, pointing out that he had a slight blush on his cheeks. "You're really pretty"

"I think you are prettier than you give yourself credit for"

"Aww Bakugou, you're so nice"

"be quiet"


When Bakugou and Kirishima arrived at the dorms, the Bakusquad was already downstairs having a full fledged argument about whether Vine is better than TikTok or not.

"-but in TikTok you have the dancing trends, in Vine you didn't have that!" Mina said as she danced the Renegade.

"Vine is funnier than TikTok though! Have you seen a TikTok that is more popular than 'two bros, sitting in a hot tub, five feet apart 'cause they're not gay'? Have you? Have you really?" Sero said singing the Vine's tune.

That was the moment that the couple was spotted.

"Guys tell Mina that TikTok will never be on the same level as Vine!"

"Couldn't know. Never had Vine and not interested in downloading TikTok" Bakugou said nonchalantly.

"Bitch, are you serious?!?!" Mina seemed offended. She dramatically brought a hand to her forehead and faked fainting.

"In my opinion, Vine is better. I liked the creators more in Vine than the ones in TikTok."

"See Mina, he is one of us!" Seri said grabbing Kirishima by the arm and dragging him to the place where he was standing in front of Mina and besides Jirou. He stared at Kirishima as he said "Jirou and I also think that Vine is better than TikTok"

"This is a stupid argument. I'm leaving" Bakugou started his way to his room. "See you later losers"

Bakugou left and Kirishima continued to hear the argument between Seri and Mina as they continued to gain allies. Ten minutes had passed and Mina already had Uraraka, Deku, Hagakure, Oijiro and Satou in her team, while Sero had Jirou, Kirishima, Aoyama, Tokoyami and Todoroki in his. 

Kirishima slowly backed away, trying to escape unnoticed. When he reached the other side of the room where Momo was standing he relaxed. "Momo, do you where Kaminari is?"

"He hasn't come out of his room yet. It's only eleven in the morning, I'm sure he's still asleep." Momo gave Kirishima a reassuring smile. Kirishima excused himself and headed towards Kaminari's room. He wanted to talk to his besto friend about his first date with Bakugou.

He arrived at Kaminari's door and knocked.... and knocked.... and knocked. "Someone there?" He turned the doorknob and gently pushed the door open. He saw a sleeping Kaminari on the floor with what seemed to be a book in his hands.

He made his way to Kaminari and shook him a little bit to wake him up. Kaminari slowly opened his eyes. It took him a second to adjust to the light.

"An angel?"

"No Kaminari, is me Kirishima... if you sleep like that you're gonna damage your back. Don't be so stupid bro"

Kaminari didn't like that.. bro

"Kirishima.. can I kiss you?"

Word Count: 908

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