Chapter 10

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Kirishima made his way to his dorm room and opened his door. He entered his room and left his clothes from before he changed. He then went to the bathroom to be ready when Bakugou arrived. Just when he got out of the bathroom he heard a knock on the door. He checked the hour 7:00. He then remembered Bakugou's words. "Pick you up at seven sharp on Friday" He smiled to himself and went to the door.

Kirishima opened the door and saw a nervous Bakugou. He was staring down, meaning he hadn't seen Kirishima yet. Kirishima opened his eyes widely when he saw what Bakugou was wearing. He was wearing a long sleeved shirt, half of it unbuttoned, meaning you could see his abs; normal suit pants, normal shoes, earrings, and, surprisingly, makeup.

"You look really hot" Kirishima murmured

"Thanks Shitty Hair"

"Wait, I said that out loud?" Kirishima face palmed mentally and looked down

Bakugou finally looked up and his eyes couldn't believe him. "You look really hot too" The truth is that he looked more than hot, he was stunning, he was boiling. Why does he look so hot? Does he know that I meant it as a date? I thought he was clueless. He looks like a model, like an angel- scratch that he looks like- like the devil himself. That's how hot he looks. I wish he was my boyfriend. He is gonna be my boyfriend after today. I'm going to make sure of it.

"Thanks, let's get going" Kirishima got out of his dorm and closed the door behind him. They left the dorms and talked all the way to the party.

"Mina helped me prepare for this, I was so nervous because I didn't know if you meant it as a da- wait umm"

"I did mean it as a date, it's okay"

"Really, oof that's a relief. I hope you don't mind me asking but, are you gay? Or bi? Or-" Kirishima starting throwing ideas around.

"Pan, born and raised" Bakugou said laughing. He only laughed when he was with Kirishima. He understood his humor and liked him for who he was.

"You know, it's pretty ironic" Kirishima said laughing.

"What is?" Bakugou said raising an eyebrow.

"You say you're pan, but you don't really seem like the person who would like everyone. Your face says 'get away from me'" Bakugou gave him the death stare "see?"

"I like a certain attitude, that you happen to have"


"Stop being stupid, Shitty Hair"

They laughed and talked a little more until they spotted the house. They knocked on the door and Momo received them. They made their way to the Kitchen and found their friends. Mina grabbed Kirishima and dragged him to the living room, leaving Bakugou dumbfounded in the kitchen.

"So, is it a date?"


"OH MY GOD. IT'S FINALLY HAPPENING!" she started jumping around "MY SHIP IS SAILING"

"You're shipping us?"

"Oh honey, since day one" she winked in Kirishima's direction.

"WoW, I don't have any words"

"Well, don't stay all night with me, go, go, go!"

Mina pushed Kirishima towards the kitchen and went after him. When they entered the kitchen they found Kaminari trying to pick a fight with Bakugou for an unknown reason.

"What's the problem? Kaminari, you normally don't pick fights, it's usually Bakugou who picks the fights" Mina asked innocently.

"It's nothing" Kaminari pushed past Mina and Kirishima and went to the family.

"What's wrong with him?" Sero said as he entered the kitchen.

"We don't know, you know him, he's weird" Jirou said shrugging.

The group started talking and Bakugou took that chance to grab Kirishima and lead him to the backyard. Kirishima was taken by surprise but followed without complaints. They arrived at the backyard and leaned on a wall. Kirishima on Bakugou's right.

"What's up Bakugou?"

"Nothing much, how 'bout you?"

"Umm, you were the one that dragged me here" Kirishima said with a knowing smirk.

"Kirishima, I need to tell you something"

"Oh-um, okay.." Kirishima was starting to get worrid. What if Bakugou was starting to regret asking him to the party? What if after all, he realized that Kirishima was annoying?

"What's wrong Shitty Hair, you look weird?" Bakugou moved to be in front of Kirishima.

"Have you finally noticed?"

"Noticed what?"

"That I am annoying" Kirishima murmured.

"Kirishima, I realized that when I first met you, and I don't care" Bakugou said, placing his right hand on Kirishima's face.

"Since when are you so nice?" Kirishima started blushing up.

"Hey! Don't ruin the moment, Shitty Hair!" Bakugou said removing his hand from Kirishima's face and slapping Kirishima with it playfully on the arm.

"What did you want to tell me?"

"I know it's pretty obvious but, I like you Shitty Hair... wait no! I love you, and I know it seems to early to say it but those are my true feelings! I'm not going to pressure you into saying it back, but I'm hoping that at least you like me, and can give me a chance." Bakugou was looking down at his feet, blushing like crazy. He finally said it, he was proud of himself. Now for the answer.

"I'm willing to give you a chance, you're right I can't say it back right now because it would be lying but I'm hoping that if we give it a try, in the future I can say it. What I can say right now, is that I like you, I like you a lot.. I hope that is enough for now..." Kirishima looked to the floor too, ashamed and embarrassed.

"That is more than enough, that is more than what I could ask for. Shitty Hair- Kirishima, you just made my night. Can I- umm"

"Can you what?"

"Can I call you by your first name?"

"Of course, only if I get to call you by yours though" Kirishima said, smirking.

"Yeah, seems fair" Bakugou smiled, a genuine smile. He only smiled with Kirishima.

Kirishima stared into Bakugou's eyes and then back at the floor. Bakugou grabbed his chin and lifted it up. Bakugou stared at those deep red eyes that resembled his own. He stared at Kirishima's beautiful lips and then back into his eyes. He started to lean closer and then he swore that paradise finally arrived.

The kiss was amazing but awful at the same time. None of them had kissed anyone before, so it was a disaster, but a magnificent disaster. Kirishima didn't know what to do to make the kiss better, so he let his tongue go into Bakugou's mouth and explore it. He heard a chuckle come from the beautiful man in front of him. He separated from the kiss and stared at Bakugou.

"What's so funny?" Kirishima asked, genuinely confused.

"I can just notice that we are both new at this"

I hope you guys are enjoying the story. If you have any suggestions, leave them in the comments.

Word Count: 1119

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