Chapter 11

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I know is a day late.. :( . Quarantine=teachers giving out homework for ages. Hope you enjoy the chapter! :)

I just saw Bakugou and Kirishima kissing- if you can call that kissing. My first kiss with Kirishima would have been waaay better, I have more experience than Bakugou. Kaminari was left thinking outside on his own, because Bakugou and Kirishima had already went inside. He was furious but he didn't want Kirishima to notice, so he put on a fake smile and made his way inside.

Bakugou and Kirishima made their way to the leaving room and sat on a sofa. Bakugou stared at Kirishima with stars in his eyes.. he couldn't believe that he had kissed him- if you could call that a kiss anyway. He had told Kirishima his feelings and they were going to start dating to see how it went. He couldn't be happier... happiness.. Happiness was a thing that never really came to him, but when he was with Kirishima; he could feel the while room light up- and his smile.. his beautiful, precious smile.. was like the sun- the big and shining sun. The star that has the most attention.

It bothered Bakugou to some degree, he knew that there were boys in his class- in his friend group that liked Kirishima, but he also knew that Kirishima would never cheat on him. And that is the problem.. cheating is not just one person's game, there has to be two people. What is someone tricked Kirishima into cheating on Bakugou?

Although that worried him, it wasn't his biggest problem. His most prominent worry was if Kirishima got tired of him and dumped him. How must that feel? Being left by the person you love the most.

"kugo?" Kirishima waved a hand in front of Bakugou's face

"Sorry.. I spaced out"

"Yeah, I noticed. Something wrong?"

"How could something be wrong when I have a date with THE Kirishima" Bakugou said with a smirk.

"Wow, Bakugou being nice? That's a new one" Mina said as she sat Bakugou's right.

"Yeah, because it wasn't meant for you, raccoon eyes"

"Wearing smoky eyes doesn't make me a raccoon!" Mina said slapping Bakugou playfully in the shoulder.

"Yeah, but being annoying, sneaky, curious, and a rat makes you one"

"Did you just call me a rat?"

"I think he did" Sero said, joining the conversation.

"Oh you little-"

The playful teasing and talking took place for another hour or so. Jirou and Kaminari eventually joined in, Kaminari keeping his false visage, and continued joking around. After some time they danced, drank, sang karaoke (even Bakugou sang, being pushed into it by Kirishima), and eventually made their way back to the dorms. Kaminari figured that even if it bothered him to the core, he wouldn't ruin Kirishima's night.. he would wait.


Beep Beep Beep

Kirishima shuffled in his bed and his hand made its way to his nightstand. He didn't even open his eyes when he turned the alarm off. He had forgotten to turn it off the day before and now was awake at six in the morning on a Saturday. He turned around and tried to get some more sleep.. when he felt something moving beside him on the bed. What?

Before looking beside him to see who was there he briefly tried to remember what had happened. After Bakugou confessed to him they went inside chatted, danced, sang and drank. Of course. That explained his awful headache and the nauseous feeling in his stomach. He drank a lot. Emphasis on a lot. He was having a good time and wanted to have an even better time. Can you really blame him? He tried to remember a little more...


"Bakugou?~" Kirishima said as he was being dragged by said person.

"Yeah, Drunkshima?"

"You're not fui-funny"

"Well, I'm not the one who is being carried home drunk in their first date!"

"That waphs a lowwwwww blow.. but sowwy" Kirishima said, pouting.

"Look at you trying to be cute.. more drunk than cute but cute"

"I am cute! Twhat's why you loveee meeee" Kirishima said winking

"Trust me, thats not the only reason" Bakugou said with a small smile on his face, more to himself than to Kirishima, but he still heard it.

"Thank ywu"

"For what?"

"For ewything, fwom loving me to cawing me to the dowms"

"Your welcome.. I guess" Bakugou looked to the side, blushing.

They kept walking and talking for a while until they arrived at the dorms. Bakugou dragged Kirishima down the hall and to his room. He plopped Kirishima on the bed, took off his shoes and kissed him on the head.

"Well this is your stop, I'm leaving now"

"Nuuuuu, pwease don't gooo! Stay 'till I fall asleep, pwease!" Kirishima said whipe grabbing Bakugou's arm.

"Five minutes" Bakugou rolled his eyes playfully.


Kirishima gave Bakugou space to lay down and made his way beside him. He instantly fell asleep.

end of flashback


Word Count: 815

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