Chapter 6

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"Bakugou, umm hi"

"Hello Shitty Hair"

"Um, w-what are you doing here?"

"What does it look like I'm doing, I'm eating"

"Yeah, you are.. haha" Kirishima felt really awkward after almost kissing him he felt like they could never go back to the way they were before.

"Hey Shitty Hair, I wanted to ask you somethin'."

"What is it, Bakugou?"

"You want to go to that lame dance with me?" Bakugou had a tint of pink on his cheeks.

Kirishima looked behind him. "Me?"

"No the other person with shitty hair, of course you dumbass!"

"Oh...OH okay, I'm down!" Kirishima couldn't hide the big smile on his face.

"Okay, pick you up at seven sharp on Friday" Bakugou said standing up.

"From my room? We live next to each other."

"No, from a rainbow, of course from your room" Bakugou said starting to walk away.

"Haha, okay. Looking foward for it" Kirishima said while Bakugou walked away.

Kirishima stared at a blank space until he finally processed what had just happened. He sat there stunned. Bakugou just asked me to a dance. ME! Kirishima Eijiro. Am I dreaming? I didn't think I would be liked by anyone, ever... but now I have a possibility of three guys liking me at the same time... but, of course that could be just my imagination- I mean it is possible that Bakugou just invited me as a friend and it is also possible that I imagined him leaning in.. the thing about Tetsu and Kami could be just in my imagination too. Yeah it is probably in my imagination. Those three are my best friends they probably just like me like a friend, just like I like them as friends. I like them as friends and just friends, right? But then why was so excited when Bakugou asked me to the dance? Maybe I just have a crush on Bakugou... yeah that would be more logical. It isn't possible to have a crush on three guys at the same time. That's just possible on anime and Fan-Fics, and I'm not in either of those. I'll just tell Kaminari, Sero, Mina and Jirou about what just happened, about Bakugou asking me out- I mean asking me to a party.

Kirishima got up from his seat and started making his way towards Kaminari's room. He texted the group and that was where they were meeting. When he arrived everyone was already there, he entered the room and sat on the bed beside Kaminari and Mina.

"What are the news?" Mina asked, clearly very excited.

"Mina, chill it's probably not that interesting. I mean last time he made us meet here just so he could tell us how a rat ate his sandwich in the bathroom." Sero said witha smirk in his face.


"Of course"

"Sero I know this time is different because his smile is so bright he is practically beaming" Mina remarked.

"is it really that noticeable?"

"I mean now that Mina says it, it's true"

"oh, umm- well what happened was that someone asked me to the dance.. but I don't know if he likes me or not"

"ugh don't tell me it was that dunce, Tetsutetsu" Kaminari said under his breath.



"Who was it Kirishima?" Mina seemed very invested in the conversation.

"Mina is kind of obvious, the only person of the group that isn't in the group meeting" Jirou said.

Everyone stared at Jiriou blankly.

"Oh my demons! Are you all that dumb? It's called the Bakusquad and Bakugou isn't here. So that means that Bakugou was the one that asked him to the dance."

Every pair of eyes in the room were on Kirishima in that moment. He sat there still, waiting for someone to say something, anything. The room was so quiet you could drop a feather and you would hear it. Kirshima couldn't stand that kind of silenc-

"O-M-G" Mina rushed to Kirishima and gave him a ginormous hug, the tightest hug he had ever recived.

"Can't breath"

"Oh sorry.. I cannot believe it! It was about time! It was obvious that he had a crush on you for the longest time."

"Kirishima, that's great, I hope you have a great time at the dance!" Jirou said with an actual smile on his face.

"Sero approves"

"kaminari does too..."

"Kaminari, you don't look so well, are you okay?" Mina asked worried.

"Yeah, just a little head ache, could you please leave? I really want to sleep."

"Sure dude, whatever ya need" Kirishima said already standing up.

People said their goodbyes following Kirishima's lead and went to their rooms. Kaminari sat alone in his room staring at the door that Kirishima was just standing at, the door that Kirishima knocked on every time they were going to have a sleepover, the same door that had appeared in his dream where he kissed Kirishima- where he had the guts to do something like that.

He had to do something, he couldn't just let Bakugou take Kirishima from him like that, even if he wasn't his in the first place. I will make Kirishima my boyfriend.


Kirishima stared at his closet looking for something to wear for the dance. He didn't know that he only had t-shirts and jeans. He would need to go shopping and it was already Thursday, the dance was tomorrow. At least this day was off because they were preparing things for the dance, that meant he could go shopping for suits. He took his phone and texted Mina, so that she could go with him to the mall.

Kirishima: Hey Mina


Mina: Hi :)


Kirishima: U wanna come to the mall with me to look for suits???


Mina: I was wondering when you would ask. Get dressed I'm going to your room in 15 minutes! I'm so excited! :D


Kirishima: Okay thx :)))))


Kirishima looked for something to wear and ended up picking a white t-shirt that said: 'I know I look beautiful, why do you think I spent all that time in the closet?' in rainbow letters, blue ripped jeans and red Vans.

Just when he finished getting dressed he heard a knock at the door. When he opened it he saw Mina dressed in some white jeans, pink sneakers and a pink and white hoodie. He greeted her and got out of his room.

Happily the two of them walked towards the mall.

Word Count: 1095

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