Chapter 7

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"Okay Kirishima, what color did you have in mind for your tie?" Mina said while getting in the bus.

"I actually didn't have anything in mind.." Kirishima said following her in.

"What?!? You were supposed to think of this before you came to buy it! Do you even know the color of the tie Bakugou is wearing?" She said taking a seat.

"Um no, but we don't have to wear the same tie color. Mina, you need to calm down! It's just a dance.. I wouldn't be surprised if he wanted to go just as friends" He said sitting beside her.

"Boi, you are really dense! He obviously has a crush on you and even if he doesn't, which he does, he would be missing on the best gay boy I know- wait scratch that- on the best boy I know. Kiri, if you were straight and I was completely straight too, we would probably be dating" she said with a playful wink.

"Yeah, sure and we would all have powers." Kirishima said rolling his eyes. Mina let out a chuckle.

It took about fifteen minutes before they arrived at the mall. The mall was big, it was four floors and had about thirty stores in each one. Beside each store there were two plants, one on each side of the door. When they entered the mall the first store that caught Mina's attention was no other than a makeup store. Mina entered eagerly dragging Kirishima by the arm. He tried to escape of her grasp but he eventually gave up, he was trying to get between Mina and Makeup after all, it was impossible to win. It was true that he was studying to be a boxer and Mina was studying to be a dancer but he wasn't going to punch his friend in the face, that would just be wrong.

"Look at this lipstick Kirishima, it would look so cool with your skin tone" Mina said showing Kirishima a shade of red.

"Mina, nice try but I already told you, I'm not putting on makeup"

"But why?, you already came out, Aoyama puts on makeup all the time!" Mina whined.

"Yeah but Aoyama is.. Aoyama. I'm not putting on makeup"

"But-but... ugh fine, I guess you'll never try this shade. This shade called crimson red." Mina said with a smirk on her face.

"Mina, I hate you, but you are so smart" Kirishima said taking the lipstick from her hand and buying it. "Now I'm gonna go to the bathroom because I'm gonna try it out"

Kirishima went to the bathroom to try the lipstick out and when he did, he loved it. He told Mina he was obviously gonna use that lipstick for the dance the next day, he didn't care what people said. After a couple of hours going from store to store looking at useless shit they realized that they needed to get serious and start looking for Kirishima's suit. Another hour passed and they weren't any closer to finding it.

"My feet hurt" Kirishima said dragging his bags. "This bags weight way to much"

"Come on, this is important, so stop complaining!"

"I'm putting to much effort on this, he probably meant to invite me as a friend"

"I already told you, that it's obvious that he has a crush on you" Mina said sighing and looking to her right. "THERE!" she said pointing to a store in the corner. "THE SUIT STORE"

"Well, what do we have to lose?"

Mina didn't lose a second and started dragging Kirishima to the store. When they entered the store an attendant quickly made their way towards them and started asking what they wanted.

"So what are you two looking for?"

"Umm, I was invited to a dance and was looking for a suit. If it could have a red tie it would be awesome"

"I have exactly what you are looking for, follow me"

Kirishima and Mina followed the store attendant to the back of the store where the hottest and most beautiful suits were. There was one suit that really caught Kirishima's attention; it was sexy and hot. It had normal black pants but the jacket didn't have sleeves, the tie was a beautiful blood red and the thing that made it sexy is that it was supposed to be worn without a shirt. Kirishima stared at the suit intensely, he really wanted it. What if I look too gay while wearing it? People already know that I'm gay but that's to gay- I think. If I wear it and Bakugou just invited me as a friend, it might seemed as if I read the situation wrong.

Mina seemed to have noticed Kirishima's favorite suit because she quickly began speaking. "We want that one" she said pointing at the one Kirishima liked.

"Okay, you can try it out in the dressing room, umm.."


"Okay Kirishima, follow me"

Kirishima and Mina followed the store attendant to the dressing room.

"If you have any problem with putting the suit on press this button to call me, okay?"

Kirishima noddded and closed the dressing room's door. He got out of his clothes and and started to put on the suit. He realized that the suit had a weird choker thing that he didn't know how to put on so he pressed the button. The store attendant came quickly and helped him with the suit.

"You look really hot in this suit"

"Umm, thanks I guess?"

"So, does this date have a name?"

"I don't really know if it's a date" Kirishima said looking down

"Don't worry about it, I'm sure it'll turn out fine" the store attendant said with a smile.


"And we're done" the store attendant said when he finished adjusting the choker thing "go show it to your friend"

Kirishima got out of the dressing room and showed the suit to Mina.

"I LOVE IT!" Mina said going around him. "We are buying that one"

"I love it too. I'm going to change"

Kirishima went to change to his normal clothes and walked to the cashier. The same store attendant that had helped him with everything was the one that charged him.

"I'm gonna need a phone number or an email in case anything is wrong with the suit"

"(###) ###-####"

"Okay, thanks for coming here today" the store attendant said with a smile.

"Thank you, ...uh?"


"Well, thanks Dabi"

Kirishima and Mina left the store and headed for the bus.

Dabi stood there behind the counter with Kirishima's number in hand. He was cute.


Once in the bus Kirishima looked for his phone in his bag and found a piece of paper.

If it turns out to not be a date, I'm available:
(###) ###-####


Sorry for not posting for sometime, school had me dead! But here I am with another chapter for you guys!!! :)

Word Count: 1131

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