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2:00 pm, Imperial sauna medical college

"Mr Kim, how's your studies going on, do you need any help? " professor jeon asked the shy student who was writing something in his notebook, the brown haired boy looked up to his dashing professor. It was the time after college when both of them could be together alone.

"it's going good Sir but I do need help, at the moment I am very stressed about exams and everything, I think it's the normal pressure that comes along exams i guess" taehyung replied, his face spoke his distress and worry,  you could see light dark circles around his tired eyes, and may I say jeon felt a little pang in his chest, watching the usual smiling student in so much stress was a sad sight, if it was other student, he wouldn't of care a bit but he just doesn't know why he's so calm and easy on his certain hazel-eyed student.

"relax.., and let's sit behind on the last desk, I'll teach you " professor jeon said, ofcourse in his professional voice,he walked off to the last bench ,waiting for taehyung to do the same.

In a normal situation, taehyung would've blushed ,he would have felt the regular unexpected butterflies but today he was too stressed and mentally exhausted to even concentrate properly. He walked off to the bech Mr jeon was sitting and sat down beside him.

Mr jeon noticed how taehyung was out of the place and quiet.

"kid hold my hands and look into my eyes" jeon said as he took taehyung's slim hands in his manly ones and that snapped taehyung back to the reality, he looked in his professor's eyes and there it was back, those butterflies came back.

"p-proffesor...? " he stuttered in confusion, mainly because he was so flustered.

"it's okay, you are stressing too much, these are just pretests, I know you are a smart, intelligent student, you can do it ,okay?...feel free to ask me anything, I'll explain it to you " jungkook tried his best to comfort the worked up kid infront of him. He doesn't know why but he admits that he does have a soft spot for the little Brown haired boy.

"thank you so much " taehyung whispered softly as tears formed but he didn't let them fall.

Jungkook said nothing and just collected taehyung's emotional self in his strong arms ,and that was IT, taehyung finally broke down in soft sobs and hugged jungkook back, jungkook now knew it wasn't just stress, something else was also bothering him, he doesn't know what it is but he was sure there's another reason for taehyung's sadness.

"shhhh... It's okay " jungkook said and rubbed his back while tightening his grip a little to ensure taehyung that he was okay.

After a while of holding taehyung tightly, he let go of him and looked at taehyung's face,....... Red nose, flushed cheeks, teary eyes .....jeon shouldn't say this but taehyung looked so vulnerably beautiful.

Taehyung wiped his eyes and looked at jungkook.

"I'm sorry for that....I can be dramatic sometimes " he said in a low soft voice.

"it's okay.... You can talk to me if you want you know " jungkook said back, and all the professionalism that he has maintained his whole career is long lost .

"I just feel like I am not doing enough,  my parents don't care if i pass or fail because apparently I'm already a multimillionaire so that means i can dropout any time but if that's what I really wanted i wouldn't go for medical studies..... I just feel so out of place....At this point everything is bothering me" taehyung confessed without breaking down. Jungkook felt sad for taehyung, he was a nice student and he has definitely grown a liking towards younger, he worked hard, never made any excuses for any work jungkook ordered him to do, even if that meant to assist Doctor Kim until 1:30 am at night, he always kept his positivity solid.

"okay answer my questions one by one. Hmmm? " jungkook said and taehyung just nodded.

"do you like medical studies? " jungkook asked .

"yes I do " taehyung answered without a second thought.

"are you having conflicts with your parents? "

"No, I know they love me so much but they barely have time because of buisness , My momma and dad loves me, I know that." taehyung replied with full sureity like a child convincing someone that pikachu is real and he loves him. It was a cute sight in jeon's eyes.

"are you giving an opportunity to a mere pretest to decide if you are going to be a great doctor? " jeon asked.

And taehyung shook his head as a no sign while looking down.

"good, so let's start anew, I'll teach you everything thoroughly, let's go to home where i can teach you, you can also use my medical notes that i myself made at my college time.. Okay? "jungkook said while smiling and taehyung just hugged him,  he felt relieved, he was now calm after having this conversation with jungkook, he was happy that there was someone who was willing to help him with that much determination.

Author's note

Hey guys how are y'all , I hope healthy and happy.

So this was the new chapter

Please tell me if you liked the chapter and comment down your favorite part

Also this story's future is in your hands, i want all readers to tell me if they want a 100 chapters book or a short 40 chapters one, I'm up with both,  i need to know if you are interested enough to read it til the last.

Thank you so much for reading

I love you guys

Take care

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