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Taehyung's pov

I was at home watching post mortem videos continuously.



At first I puked two times, my stomach felt sick watching another person's stomach getting sliced. I even cried because the graphics were too much for me to just stay professional but I closed my eyes and saw my Kookie's proud-smiley face and convinced myself to just do it because he'll be proud of me and I want nothing more than that.

It took me long before I got the courage and started watching it without puking and getting sick.

It started getting normal and it was actually starting to feel interesting.

I saw how the coroner cut the cadaver and the process of how they broke rib cage with rib shears and removed it before pulling the lungs out of the body.

All in all it was a heavy experience of nostalgia and mysteriousness.

I was sure enough now that I can talk about this topic without any hesitation or fear. Once you get over the emotionality of the case you can do it with a scientific perspective.

I'm really exhausted right now.


"Have you guys ever thought of what happens to your body the second you die, What goes on in the system? What changes happen and when you can actually declare that a person is dead?" Professor jeon said while walking around the class.

"Sir, I think we just die and everything stops working" Mina, the bitch said twirling her hair thinking she's looking cute, trying to flirt with my man in front of me, I hope she fractures her kneecaps , nasty bitch.

"girl I would suggest you to shut your mouth, if only thing that comes out of it is dumb shit''Jungkook says clearly annoyed with her dumb self.

Mina just pouted and looked down, YES BITCH take it, loser.

"Now everyone listen to what I say very carefully," Professor Jeon stated grabbing all the attention.

"Medically speaking, death happens in two stages. The first, clinical death, lasts for four to six minutes from the moment a person stops breathing and the heart stops pumping blood.During this stage, organs remain alive and there may be enough oxygen in the brain that no permanent damage occurs.The second stage of dying, biological death, is the process by which the body’s organs shut down and cells begin to degenerate.

The second a person dies, his heart stops and blood pools,Once the heart goes,the rest of the body will start to die at differing rates.With nothing to pump it around our circulatory system, the blood then pools in our veins and arteries.

Then,The body starts to change colourBecause our blood is no longer flowing, our bodies take on a two-tone colour.This is because the blood settles in the lowest part of our bodies thanks to gravity, which makes it look bruised.The other parts will have a deathly pale colour, as there is less concentrated haemoglobin and the blood is drained away elsewhere.

Algor mortis sets in Also known as the "death chill", algor mortis is when our bodies lose their 37°C warmth and slowly adapt to the room temperature, losing about 0.8°C per hour.

Then comes rigor mortis The more famous of the mortis family, this occurs a few hours after death, when the entire body begins to stiffen up owing to decreasing ATP (adenosine triphosphate) levels. It starts with eyelids and neck muscles.

Our bodies are still moving .Yes, our blood has pooled and congealed, but our bodies are still capable of twitching and flexing for HOURS after we die.This is because muscle tissue contracts as it dies and depending on how many muscles are contracting, it can appear as if the body is moving.

Our faces flatten out
As our muscles eventually stop contracting, those wrinkles and frown lines are gone!

Your bowels empty themselves
Although rigor mortis may cause our bodies to stiffen, not all of it does.
In fact, some parts - like our sphincters - become very loose because, in life, it's basically our brain which controls it.With the brain no longer regulating involuntary functions, the sphincter can do what it wants, so it opens up and any "leftover" waste exits the body.

Putrid odours start to seep out
Corpses are notoriously smelly. The putrid odours happen when our dying cells release enzymes notifying local bacteria and fungi of the event. The bacteria and fungi pile in to begin decomposition, releasing noxious and putrid gases and odors.

Our bodies can make noises
Apparently this still spooks doctors and nurses!Our bodies will fart, squeak and moan thanks to a combination of rigor mortis and our guts secreting gas.

Our intestines get digested
Because of how rich our guts are in bacteria, once the immune system closes down, this bacteria basically goes wild and will digest our intestines.

Then our eyes bulge and our tongues swell As our organs decompose and our intestines produce gases, these gases cause our eyes to bulge and our tongues to swell up and loll out of our mouths.

Finally, putrefaction ,Also known as the liquefaction of our organs, this happens as our cells continue to break down and tissue cohesion is lost because of decomposing proteins.Once putrefaction sets in, our corpses become "sloshy" and spongy.

Our skin loosens ,Our skin's slippage is amplified as gases build up, meaning it detaches from the bone and muscle.

The bones go last, Decades after bacteria, fungi, and other organisms do away with the rest of our bodies, then protein in bones eventually break down, leaving hydroxyapatite, a bone mineral which turns into dust" Professor Jeon taught in one hour lecture and by far this is my best learning session ,he explained everything so well, he's very intelligent to explain everything without even glancing at the book.

"Any doubts" professor asked.

"No sir, thank you " whole class replied in union.

"dismissed" he gave the permission and as usual everyone walked leaving just two of us, just us.


Author's note

Hey fairybabies, how are you .

I hope you enjoyed the chapter and didn't get bored.

I know this stuff is boring to many people but in this story this is important

I am taking the story 'professor jeon' very seriously as an author, it took a lot of time and research for me to write this chapter.

I just hope you all like it

Please let me know if you liked the chapter and comment down your favorite part

I love you all so much

Thank you so much for reading

Take care

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