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"YO BITCHES I'M BACK HOES" A loud voice screamed and this is the first time Taehyung was happy to hear that annoying scream. He quickly runs in the direction where Jimin was standing and tackles him to the floor and started pecking his face as Jimin giggles and hugs Taehyung.

"Where were you , you idiot chicken! I called you multiple times but you wouldn't answer any. FUCKING SLUTASS CHIMP" Taehyung expressed his frustration by hitting Jimin's chest again and again .

'' Owww I'm sorry" jimin apologizes with pained expression because Taehyung's bony-fist-punches hurt.

Taehyung got off of jimin and helped him stand up still trying to act angry but jimin already knew that Taehyung missed him and it ain't no different for jimin too. He missed his Sunshine way too much in these five days.

''guys I'm really sorry but I'm feeling tired and sleepy, so can you guys please use Jungkook's room?" Ariana said and both of them turned to look at her.

"Yeah sure....rest well" Taehyung smiled but he knew that Ariana wasn't really sleepy or tired . She was upset because of something, he could feel it. Jimin waved a kind hi for the first time to Ariana which was returned with a very light smile and a wave.


In jungkook's room, laying on the bed

"What happened to her? she looked kinda upset" Jimin asked with furrowed eyebrows, sure they fight all the time but he does care , just that he himself doesn't know he does. Well that's how they are 'cat and rat', the perfect frenemies.

"I don't know but I feel that she had a fight with someone online, I mean I noticed her typing furiously on her phone when we were in her room" Taehyung informed . He believes that they should give her space and time because sometimes that's what a person needs.

"Oh......well......okay.......-" Jimin was interrupted when Taehyung hit his arm harshly.

"Can you stop pausing so damn much and what the fuck Park Jimin, where the heck did you disappear. I literally called you like thousand times but you won't budge" Taehyung expressed his anger.

"I'm so sorry taetae but come on cuddle me and I will tell you why I didn't pick up your calls and why I suddenly disappeared from the face of the Earth " Jimin said and stretched his arms for Taehyung to cuddle him and who is Taehyung to deny cuddles from his favorite person so putting all his angry-act aside he jumped into Jimin's arms.

"I missed you" tae whispered hugging jimin tightly.

"Me too baby" jimin said sincerely and kissed Taehyung's forehead.

"What happened after the club party, I tried to contact you to tell you that I'm with kook but no response." Taehyung said looking into Jimin's eyes demanding for the reason of Jimin's sudden disappearance.

"Ahh you don't wanna know , I was kidnapped by Yoongi's men" jimin sighed in distress.

"WHAT!!????" Taehyung screamed in shock.

"Yeah, he got me kidnapped , his men tied me down to Yoongi's bed and whole five days have been pain in the ass, literally ' Jimin explained in short still remembering that horror night as clear as water.


"How are you my little baby, were you busy?" A figure who was sitting on the chair in front of the bed to which Jimin was tied said in a sickly sweet voice.

"Babe please untie me, it is hurting" Jimin pleaded in a hopeful voice , he relaxed his body after hearing his lover's voice, knowing that he is not in any danger but oh sweet Jesus! How wrong was he. How damn wrong was he!

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