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Well, fuck.

With Jace looking at me like that, there was really nothing else I could think. Other than the fact that I was absolutely, one-hundred percent on board with giving into his demand. Shit, I didn't care what we did, as long as it required staying in this bed.

Jace's eyes were ablaze as I raised my head, my gaze dipping to his lip, and–

–and yawned right in his face.

I froze. OhmyGodohmyGodohmyGo

Somewhere deep inside my mind, laughter erupted. Or maybe it was from the boy on top of me as he rolled off of me with a huge grin on his face. For a fleeting second, I was mesmerized by how younger the blitheness of that grin made him look. He was beautiful– he really was.

But then that fleeting second passed, and I was left mortified.

"Oh my God." I muttered, my hands coming up to cover my face as squeezed my eyes shut. Of all things to do– of all the places and time– I had to yawn in someone's face now?

In the middle of being on the verge of making out with Jace freaking Wayland? That was probably the cringiest thing I could've thought, but God did I want to kiss him. To stay in the state of bliss for just a little while longer.

Jace's laugh only intensified, the blonde seeming amused by my mortification. Had I not been so embarrassed, I might've swatted his arm, or followed his demand and have indeed made him shut up. But I was still frozen, still figuring out how to cope with what just happened, so I stayed where I was, hands over my face and all.

I felt the bed dip as– I assumed– Jace sat up. And then, still laughing, he gently pulled my hands away from my face. I dared to pop an eye open to steal a glance at him, still finding a giant, boyish grin on his face as leaned down to kiss my forehead.

"Wouldn't've expected anything less, Azel." He whispered onto my skin, his voice lighter than I'd ever heard.

"I cannot believe that just happened." Was my only reply, still in slight shock.

Jace sighed, rolling back over onto his back to lay beside me. From my perpetual vision, I saw his arms raise so he could brace his hands behind his head. "And to think I was actually going to kiss you."

Heat pooled in my core at the thought. "You did."

His head turned, his gaze burning into mine before flickering to my lips. "You know what I mean."

I shrugged, trying to seem as nonchalant as possible as I raised my eyes to the ceiling. "I mean, you totally still could if you really wan–"

Within a second, his head was once again hovering over mine as his lips brushed mine–just barely. My eyes closed on their own accord and–

–and then it was over.

My hazel eyes flew open, full of shock and ferocity no doubt. I turned my head, ready to go off on the blonde who actually had the audacity– but Jace just shot me a cheeky smile before wrapping an arm around my waist and pulling me towards him, my body turning on its side so my back was pressed against his bare chest.

"As much as I would love to kiss you until I am drunk off of it, you need to rest. You're tired, if that yawn gave away anything."

I rolled my eyes, refusing to shut them even though they begged to close. My body indeed needed to rest, but how could it? My every nerve was on hyper alert, focused on the heat of his back now seeping through my shirt. But, I couldn't imagine wanting to fall asleep, or even lie down, in any other way than I was right now, with his arms around me and his head resting atop mine.

The Shadow of an Angel // JACE WAYLAND (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now