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Cheryl's POV

"Luxury and weekend, two of my favourite words." I wormed my way in to the scooby gang's conversation. "So where are we going and how extravagant a wardrobe should I pack?" I clapped my hands together cheerfully, excited to get away from this dreaded town.

"Sorry, Cheryl. It's kind of a romantic, couples-only weekend." Veronica awkwardly got out. My heart sank. My mother's words from just earlier today were spinning around my head. 'You've never known love' 'jealous, spite-filled, starving, emotional anorexic.' I lowered my gaze from embarrassment. "I see. Of course. My mistake." My heart hurt, it physically hurt. "Well have fun with your romances." With that I stormed my way to the closest bathroom which, to my luck, was unoccupied.


I broke down. I fucking sobbed into my hands, sitting on the closed toilet seat in the first floor girls bathroom of Riverdale High. Maybe my mother was right... what if I am loveless?

To be rejected by the people I considered friends, hurt me. I know I'm bitchy, I get that. I get that people fear me, I get that people hate me, but to be rejected from a getaway just because I don't know love? That fucking broke my heart.

I wiped my tears, reapplied a few makeup touches and made my way to my next class. I didn't have the effort for the HBIC persona anymore, I just walked the halls with my head down.


I walked in to class a few minutes early, to be met by Kevin, sitting alone in the seat next to mine. "Hey Cheryl, why are you here early?" He questioned me, knowing I show up to class whenever I please. 'None of your fucking business' were the words that threatened to come out of my mouth, but I gave up. "Just have nothing better to do I suppose Kev..." I sighed, pulling my binder and textbook from my bag and resting my chin on my hand.

"Is everything okay?" He seemed concerned, a genuine care was present on his face. I shook my head and looked to the door, where many people were swarming in. "Maybe we could go to Pop's together later? You can talk to me about it Cheryl." He offered a sympathetic smile. "Sure, I'll text you the details after school." I mumbled to him with a grateful smile, to which he nodded his head and shifted his attention to the teacher.


I had a study period last, meaning I sat alone in the student lounge, aimlessly scrolling through anything I could find on my phone to distract me. "Hey gorgeous" a voice said next to me. I looked up from my phone to find one of the Bulldogs had taken a seat next to me. "What do you want?" I quietly asked him. "Your number." He winked at me. He fucking winked. Ugh. "Tough." I replied to him, standing from my seat and making my way to the parking lot.

As I hopped in to my 1961 Chevrolet Impala, I threw my bag into the passenger side and set off from the parking lot, hearing the bell signal the end of the day. I made my way straight to Pop's, since I really didn't want to go home and take on the satan spawn that is my mother.

Bombshell🔥: hey kev, i'm ready for pops when you are

I texted to Kevin, seconds after I pulled into the parking lot of the diner. He responded almost immediately, as he always does.

Kevin Keller: sure thing cheryl, i'm just leaving school now so i'll go straight there


I let out a breath that I didn't even know that I was holding, I really didn't want to face sitting in a booth for hours on end, by myself, waiting for him to arrive.

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