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Cheryl's POV ~ 2 months later

63 whole days. 9 weeks. 2 months and 4 days. That's the amount of time it's been since I last saw my precious TT. God how I missed her so dearly every single day. February 20th. That was the day that I woke up without Toni in my arms, not knowing that I'd be doing it every day. April 24th. That was today, still in the same routine without my TT.

I snapped out of my train of thought when Nana Rose wheeled into the living room. "Cheryl dear, are you okay?" Nana asked, concerned. "Yes Nana, of course I'm okay." I smiled to reassure her. "You looked like you were about to cry dear." She placed her hands on top of mine. "No no." I forced out a small laugh but she just narrowed her eyes at me.

"Darling she isn't here to hear you. Do you miss Toni?" Nana questioned, I was still skeptical, knowing that I shouldn't tell anyone the truth, just in case it got back to a certain someone. I just bowed my head and played with the rings on my fingers. "I miss her too Cheryl, I know how hard it must be. Hard to lose the love of your young life." She sighed.

"No Nana." I smiled. "Toni was just a phase, she wasn't the love of my life." I huffed. "You're lying Cheryl, I've always been able to tell. You can talk to me whenever you need okay?" She smiled before I nodded and she continued watching the programmes on TV.


February 20th~ "Jughead where is she?" I asked worried. "Where's who Cheryl?" He questioned. "Toni, she didn't come home last night. I assumed she crashed at your place after your serpent business." I began to grow more worried. "Um Cheryl we didn't have 'serpent business' last night?" He shook his head.

"I thought she was with you." He continued. My eyes began to fill with tears. "No! She said she 'had serpent business with the boys'. Where the hell is my girlfriend?" I began to sob lightly and Betty wrapped her arms around me. "Hey Cheryl calm down. We'll find her." Jughead smiled lightly before patting my shoulder.

"Oh! Boys come here!" Jughead shouted behind me to what I assume was Sweetpea and Fangs. "Sup Jones? We're kinda busy." Sweetpea asked. "Were either of you with Toni last night? She told Cheryl she had serpent business and now we can't find her." Jughead asked while I turned around and gave the boys a hopeful look. Each of them shook their heads and my eyes began to fill with tears once again. "No. Joaquin is missing too." Fangs informed us all.


"I'm going to head up to bed Nana, do you need anything?" I asked. "No thank you dear. Get plenty of rest okay? Goodnight, I love you." She offered a pitiful smile. "Goodnight Nana, I love you too." I croaked out, tears rapidly beginning to spill from my eyes the second I turned my back towards her.


School was a drag since I didn't have Toni by my side anymore, the only thing I looked forward to were the small meetings that Betty and Jughead would have with Sweetpea, Fangs and I every Thursday, after the bell rang.

We'd spend the whole evening looking for clues as to what happened to Toni and Joaquin, trying to put pieces together. It was a slow process and we never had much to go off, since they left no obvious clues to their whereabouts. I'd usually spend most of the evening sending Toni some texts.


March 20~ "Cheryl come on hurry up." Betty beckoned me into the Blue and Gold. I found Sweetpea, Fangs and Jughead there once I walked inside. "So we found something. Ready?" Jughead said. I nodded my head eagerly and he opened up his laptop with security footage from the Whyte Wyrm, the night before Toni went missing. "Okay so it's not much to go off, however I found the tape from the staff door." Jughead began to play the video. "There isn't audio so I have no idea what they were talking about, however I think she's definitely got something to do with this." Jughead furrowed his eyebrows.

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