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Toni's POV

Cheryl Blossom❤️
Nov 23 2018 4:35pm

hey cutie did you make it home okay?😘

Cheryl Blossom❤️
i sure did

good i'm glad, how was the rest of your day?

Cheryl Blossom❤️
it was good thank you, how was yours?

pretty good, especially now i get to text you😉

Cheryl Blossom❤️
that makes it better?

of course it does cutie

Cheryl Blossom❤️
you make me smile

i'm glad because you make me smile too❤️


"Are you fucking crazy?" Fangs shouted from behind me. "What?!" I asked him, confused to what he was talking about.

"How the fuck can you flirt with Cheryl Blossom? She hates us!" He continued to shout. "Fangs calm the fuck down. She's actually super sweet." I assured him.

"Yeah until she finds out who you are Tiny." He scoffed and sat down on the couch beside me, turning on the Xbox. "Game?" He asked, handing me a controller. I placed my phone down on the table and took the controller out of his hands.


After several games he made his way into the kitchen, before returning with two beers: one in each hand. "Here Tiny, get that down you." He laughed.


"So how long have you been talking to Cheryl for then?" He asked me. "Well we matched on Bumble like almost a week ago, we've spoke non stop since." I told him, he nodded understandably. "I get it Toni, I just don't want to see you get hurt." He sounded compassionate. I knew he meant it.

"I won't Fangs, when has a girl ever hurt me?" I asked cockily. "Yeah and when has a girl ever made you blush before now?" He returned, god he was right. This girl did things to me, things no one else was anywhere near capable of. What if I fall for her? Shit.


"Toni press start oh my god." Fangs knocked me out of my trance, one that I didn't even know I was in. "Sorry" I replied to him, turning my attention back to the game.

My phone vibrated on the table, and Fangs paused the game and nodded at me. I picked it up and noticed that Cheryl had text me.


Cheryl Blossom❤️
Nov 23 2018 5:50pm

Cheryl Blossom❤️
what do you think my mother would say if i told her i was gay?

from the way you've spoken about her, not great

but if you're brave enough, then do it

Cheryl Blossom❤️
i guess, i think she'd hurt me though

what like physically?

Cheryl Blossom❤️

cheryl does she hit you?

Cheryl Blossom❤️

you need to get out of that place

Cheryl Blossom❤️
i have nowhere else to go

can you not stay with a friend?

Cheryl Blossom❤️
i only have one real friend at the moment and that's kevin and i don't want to keep invading his personal life

if it helps you out i'm sure he wouldn't mind

Cheryl Blossom❤️
i'll be okay

you need to tell me if anything happens okay?

i'm worried about you

Cheryl Blossom❤️
thank you but i've dealt with it for 17 years, i can handle it


Cheryl Blossom❤️
fine if anything else happens i will tell you

thank you❤️

Cheryl Blossom❤️
what are you doing?

nothing much, playing xbox with a friend

Cheryl Blossom❤️
okay, could i maybe call you later?

sure thing


I was worried about her recognising my voice if we talked for too long, the first phone call was short and sweet just so she wouldn't notice. I could listen to her melodic voice for hours though, meaning she would probably find out.


It was now gone 11pm and I'm assuming Cheryl fell asleep a while ago, I'm glad she did because it meant I got out of calling her, however I was worried about her. Since she hadn't texted me for hours, it meant that she could be anywhere and anything could've happened to her.

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