Twenty One

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Toni's POV

"Sleepy time's over." A menacing voice shouted between Joaquin and I's beds. I opened my eyes to the blinding sunlight spilling into the room through the sheer blinds. I went to cover my eyes to protect them from the light, forgetting that my hands were restrained to the bed frame by handcuffs.

"Get up. Both of you." Malachai sneered. "How are we supposed to get up we're stuck to the beds you fucking moron." I laughed, presenting my cuffed wrists. "Shut up Topaz." He spat out as he ran his switch blade down my arm, adding to the collection of cuts that had accumulated since we first got here. I just got used to watching the blood spill out of me at this point.


It's been so long since they took us. We don't have phones so I have no idea what the date is. All I know is that I want to see Cheryl, it's been the same thought running through my mind since Penny threw me into the back of a van and drove us to wherever the fuck we are.

It's a rusty old cabin that seems abandoned, there's nothing surrounding it but trees. Malachai freed my arms of the restraints and let us take turns to use the bathroom and shower. We got the privilege to shower around once a week and it was disgusting, the drains were filled with god knows what and the walls of the shower were covered in blood and what I hope is dirt.

Once we'd both finished and put our dirty clothes back on, Malachai shoved two bowls in front of us, filled with sloppy oatmeal. "Eat up, you two have a big day ahead." He smirked. Big day? What?

We both shot each other a worried look and bowed our heads down while we shovelled the slop into our mouths.


"Okay. Turn around both of you." Malachai stood us up and forced our hands behind our backs. He wrapped my wrists with rope and restrained any sort of movement I could make. I winced in pain at the rope pushing against the open wound down my arm, although I knew it probably wouldn't be the worst pain that I was going to feel today.

It was like déjà vu being thrown into the back of a parked van once again, only this time we could actually see where we were going out of the back tinted windows.

The drive was long, it was well into the afternoon by the time I saw the sign that I never knew I loved so much. The beaming afternoon sun shining onto the cracked wood. 'Riverdale, the town with pep' brought tears to my eyes, hoping that I'd get to see my girl.

However I knew that probably wasn't the case when the van was turned into an opening leading right to the depths of Fox Forrest.


The van came to a sudden halt before each of us were dragged out of it by our necks. "Nice to see you both again." Penny smirked down at us as we laid on the dirt track.

"Pick DeSantos up" she ordered one of the ghoulies. He grabbed the collar of his serpent jacket and threw him up against a tree. "You take care of him while I have me some fun with little miss Antoinette." She said cockily before she landed a harsh punch straight between my eyes.

The relentless beating continued, nothing seemed to dull the aches and pain that I felt all over my body. I heard my ribs crack, my jaw was definitely dislocated and I really thought I'd had enough until I watched Joaquin bleed from every part of his face.

"Let him fucking go. You wanted me, you got me. Please just let him go." I sobbed hysterically. I never wanted him to get dragged into this shit, it's my fault he's even here.

Malachai gave Penny a questioning look until she nodded reluctantly. "Let him go. Run little boy or we'll kill you too." She screamed in his face. He shook his head. "Toni I can't leave you. I want her to come too." He cried.

Penny began to click her tongue at him. "Uh uh. Wrong choice." She chuckled menacingly. She knelt down next to me and wrapped her hands tightly around my throat. She pressed down harder every second until everything went black


When I opened my eyes gasping, there was no one around me. Everyone had cleared, including Joaquin. There was a sharp pain in my leg and when I looked down I was met with a shit ton of blood and a switchblade that had been stuck into my calf and dragged a little.

I grabbed the tree bark next to me and grasped to try and pull myself up, the pain in my leg got worse but I knew I had to move before I bled out. I tried to scramble towards the edge of the woods as fast as I could get there.

Just to my luck, Sheriff Keller was driving down the road just as I reached the edge and pulled up to the side of the road. "Toni. Christ, I thought you were dead. Come on, get in." He ushered me into his patrol car while I hobbled and struggled to breathe.

"I'm going to take you to the hospital Toni can you just hang on? Can you stay with me?" I nodded weakly and leant back against the passenger seat.

The drive wasn't long, but it somehow felt like hours. "So where have you been Topaz?" He asked worriedly. "The ghoulies kidnapped me and Joaquin, they let him go, they tried to kill me." I croaked. He was clearly in a state of shock.

"They kept us in a cabin somewhere a few hours away, we could shower once a week and they'd give us some like slop to eat. They mainly chained us to the beds and sliced us every time we spoke." A few tears fell from my eyes before I returned to silence.

"Wait. SHERIFF PULL IN THERE!" I screamed causing him to turn the patrol car straight into the school parking lot. "What is it?" He hurriedly asked. "That's their van. That's the van they took us to the woods in." I sobbed.

"Toni you stay here okay I'll go and sort this." He shushed me and tried to calm me. He jumped out of the car and I heard him call for backup.


I knew I couldn't just sit in the car and wait for something to happen so I ran to the side of the building and rushed into the side doors. I hobbled around the school, a trail of blood following my every step.

I opened the cafeteria doors from the east wing and hobbled in to find Penny being cuffed, Joaquin blubbering and all of my friends sitting around the table.

"WHAT THE FUCK? YOU WERE DEAD YOU STUPID BITCH!" Penny screamed at me while pointing towards me, everyone that was sitting at the table turned around, including every other person in the cafeteria.

I shot her a wink while Sheriff Keller lead her out of the building, hopefully to rot in a cell for the rest of her life.

i haven't proof read this i'll sort it later if anything's wrong with it, don't worry. there's another chapter going up either later or tomorrow depending how drunk i am😂 i just wanted to get this up before it's the new year (in england anyway)

happy new year you lovely people, i hope you all have the best 2020 and i love each and every one of you. thank you for reading my work, thank you for appreciating my work and thoroughly engaging with it. making this account is probably the best thing that happened to me this year and it's motivated me more than any of you know. i hope you all have the best day/night today and may this year bring you happiness. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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