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Cheryl's POV

The bus journey back into Riverdale was one filled with dread. Rather than going back to Kevin's house like I originally planned, I decided it was time I put my HBIC power into use against my she devil of a mother.


I trod the stone driveway of Thistlehouse with force, an added layer of sass with each step I took. The confidence that Toni has given me over the trip to do this clouded my mind, taking any worry away.

"Oh nice to see you're back. Now where the fuck have you been?" My mother spat from her position in the kitchen, holding a glass of red wine in her hand. "I was at Kevin's and then we went on the ski trip mother." I laughed to her. "So what right do you have to welcome yourself back into this house?" Her voice was laced with hatred and disgust.

"It's my house now mommy dearest. You will leave Thistlehouse. I mean... if you don't I could always burn down ANOTHER house." I began with a chuckle to end my sentence. "Or I could tell my best friends father about the abuse, or even your secret brothel. You won't have the money to live then will you mother?" I smirked to her, noticing her face fill with worry.

"Fine you devil child." She huffed, making her way upstairs to collect her belongings. I felt a sense of great pride wash over me, knowing that I can finally be at peace. I could even possibly call this place a home, after endless decorating. I made my way into my Nana's bedroom, in order to greet her after time away.


"Oh Cheryl dear. You did good." She croaked out with a laugh. "You heard that?" I laughed back to her. "But of course, you've never been a quiet one Cheryl. Thank you for getting that thing out of this house, if I wasn't so old and senile I would've done it myself." She clutched both of my hands between hers gently. "It's what's best for us Nana." I smiled and kissed her on the cheek. "I get to stay though dear?" She questioned. "Of course you do Nana, this is your home. Besides, you're the only good part of the Blossom family that's left." I smiled before leaving her to continue watching her programmes.


I decided to call Toni over to tell her the good news, pressing on the contact that had now been changed to 'Topaz❤️' rather than 'Anonymous❤️'. "Hey TT, come over to Thistlehouse would you?" I spoke into the phone. "Of course Cheryl, I'll be over in 15." She replied before ending the call.


Less than 10 minutes later, there was a knock on the door. I opened it to reveal Toni standing before it. "Took you less than 15 T." I laughed at her. "Yeah well I missed your pretty face." She pulled me into a tight hug, placing a kiss upon the top of my head.

"Dear god Cheryl, you now bring Serpent scum into this house? You really are scum yourself aren't you?" My mother spat from behind the pair of us. Before I could even get out a reply, Toni intervened. "Right you half melted ten cent trollop, say another word about Cheryl and I'll ensure that all of my 'Serpent scum' friends come and slice you slowly with their switch blades." She spat back to Penelope.

I laughed along with Toni, at my mother expense. She headed towards the door and left with a slam. "You girls are on the ball with insulting her today." Nana rose spoke up, emerging around the corner. Toni looked worried about her presence. "Nana this is Toni, Toni this is my Nana Rose." I smiled between the pair. "So nice to meet you." Toni made her way over to my Nana and held her hand out to shake. It was a sight I longed to see, she's so respectful.

"You too deary." Nana smiled back to her, wrapping her nimble fingers around Toni's hand. "I'll cook dinner Nana, your favourite as always?" I smiled to her, while she still watched Toni in awe. "You're god sent Cheryl Marjorie." She softly smiled before emerging her way back into her bedroom.


"Cheryl Marjorie?" Toni giggled. "Shut up Antoinette." I smirked back to her. "Okay fair play Blossom." She winked at me. "Okay so there was a reason I got you to come over other than for you to see my mother crumble." I began with a laugh. "I wanted to know where I stand... where we stand. What are we Toni?" I felt a shyness once again creep over me, despite spending the past week engulfed in her.

"We can be whatever you want Cher, but I actually wanted to ask you if you'd maybe like to be my girlfriend?" Toni smirked at me. "I'd love to be your girlfriend." I returned a hearty smile back to her, before wrapping my arms around her neck and pulling her in for a tender kiss.

"Let's get to making dinner for your Nana, baby." Toni smiled against my lips and pulled out of my grasp, holding her hand out to lead us to the kitchen.


We spent the night around the dining table, laughing along with Nana Rose. She told us both a few things about my family and the horrors surrounding it, joking about the state of it.

Toni seemed to get on well with my Nana, they talked a lot about photography since my Nana was into it back when she was younger. I just sat and watched in awe of their conversation, knowing that my Nana was more than content with talking to her.


Toni agreed to stay the night, since it got late with all the chatting. "Hey T?" I tilted my head upwards from my current position laid on her chest. "Yeah?" She smiled back down to me, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. "Would you... you know... support me if I told everyone?" I questioned with worry. "About us?" She questioned back, I confirmed with a nod of my head and she kissed my forehead in response. "Baby I will walk right into that school holding your hand, I'd happily show off what I can proudly call mine." She winked and leant down to kiss me.


The next day we did exactly that, Toni kicked open the doors of Riverdale High to be met with several stares. Her hand was intertwined with mine, she gave it a small squeeze and we made our way over to my locker, not a single persons gaze once left either of us.

"If they aren't going to stop staring, we may as well put on a show." I whispered into her ear before grabbing the back of her neck and pulling her into a long kiss. That kiss turned out to be a make out session against the lockers, causing some to stop staring. Others however, were basking in the show.

I smirked against her lips and left one last short peck against them, she was now wearing more of my lipstick than I was. "Do you want to come to my trailer tonight?" Toni whispered into my ear. I nodded my head and left one final peck against her cheek. "See you at lunch TT." I smiled, before linking arms with Kevin who approached me. "Quite the show Bombshell." He winked, before chuckling loudly.

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