Twenty Three

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Toni's POV

Cheryl's scent flooded my nasal passage once I gripped on to her. Her cherry perfume smelled like home, it was the scent I'd hoped to get even the tiniest hint of, when I was away. I just wished I'd wake up and be able to cuddle in closer to Cheryl, realising it was all a dream.

But it wasn't a dream, more a nightmare. A nightmare that I actually lived. "Are you okay? Nothing is life threatening?" Cheryl choked out, sniffling a little as she did so. "No nothing has done any permanent damage, they want to refer me to a therapist though. They believe that the mental torture could do long lasting damage." I sulked.

She dropped her grip and pulled away from me slowly, bringing that beautiful face back into my view. The corners of my mouth curled up in a smile, just as hers did. "Everyone thought you were dead, but not me. I kept looking TT, I promise I didn't stop looking." Cheryl told me, tears threatening to fall from her eyes again. I held her face gently between my hands and ran my thumb across her cheek bone.

"Cheryl I know, I don't doubt that for a second." I smile. A breath of relief comes from within her and a toothy grin appears on her face suddenly. "Good. Good." She gasped and held me in another embrace, one I gladly returned.


"So what happened? I know parts but not all of it." She asked quietly, now sitting in the chair beside my bed. "Penny came to the Wyrm, that night. She said I owed her a favour, which I fucking didn't, I'm not a drug runner!" I cringed at the thought. "She said that if I didn't go and do this thing for her, then she'd hurt you. She knew that you were in my trailer and she had people surrounding it. I'm sorry that I lied to you that night Cher." I gave her an apologetic look to which she nodded in understanding.


I told her everything from start to finish, from how we were dragged away from the Ghoulie hangout and left in a cabin, the torture in between, all the way up to being left for dead in fox forrest a few hours ago. Tears spilled from her eyes, but oh god the way they lit up when I told her the reason that I fought.

"That's awful TT. I'm so so sorry I wasn't there to protect you." She cried. "Cher the reason I'm alive is because of you, if you weren't in my life I would've told them to kill me. I knew I had to come back for my girl though." I told her in a slight chuckle.


I remembered back to the cafeteria, seeing her with that other girl. It hit me again, she wasn't my girl anymore. I assume that she saw my change in emotion, since I could see the guilt consume her.

"Toni I need to explain myself." She squealed. "Cheryl, no. You don't have to explain anything okay." I smiled. "My ultimate goal was for you to be happy. You're happy now, even if it isn't with me." I wrapped my slender fingers weakly around her pale ones.

"No TT I-'' She was quickly interrupted by the nurses entering my room. "I'm sorry to interrupt Miss Topaz but we just need to check your vitals." She smiled kindly.

I nodded and focused back on Cheryl. "Go home and get some rest, you look exhausted. Send Sweetpea and Fangs in on your way out okay? Goodnight Cheryl." I released her hand agonisingly slow and I saw the tears threatening to spill from her eyes. "Night Toni." She mumbled before dragging her feet across the squeaky floor and out of the door.

Cheryl's POV

"Woah is everything okay?" Veronica asked worriedly as she watched me emerge from the room. "Why are you crying?" She questioned. I just shook my head and kept my gaze towards my feet.

"I'm gonna go home. Boys she wants you." I indicated to Sweetpea and Fangs before quickly storming my way out of the building. The sound of Veronica's heels were clicking on the floor behind me. "Cheryl wait up I need to give you a ride." She gasped in order to regain her breath.

"It's okay V. I'll call Heather to give me a ride. You came to see Toni but you haven't got to see her yet." I smiled weakly. "Cheryl you can't be serious? If you call her, she'll know that you've been here for Toni. She'll hurt you." Veronica got quieter as she continued talking. "I don't want her to hurt you Cher."

I just shook my head and continued walking towards the exit. "Please let me give you a ride. Please, Cheryl." She begged as we reached the doors. I sighed in defeat and turned towards her. "That'd be great Ronnie. Thank you." I murmured, following her to her car and hopping into the passenger side.


"Why were you crying Cher?" V spoke up halfway into the journey. I waited a few seconds to compose myself before speaking. "Toni thinks that I'm happy with Heather, we were interrupted before I could tell her the truth. I've left her with the thought that she lost me, but she hasn't V. Fuck I love her so much, I just want my TT back." Tears began to cascade down my face at a rapid pace.

"You'll get the chance to explain okay? Don't beat yourself up about it. You'll get your 'TT' back." Veronica winked and reached her hand over the centre console to grasp mine. "Everything will be okay." She smiled kindly.

Everything will be okay.

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