a lovely meeting

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toddler Bakugou x toddler Todoroki

*Bakugou's P.O.V*

I go to this dumb pre-school with my mum to try it out, I enter the classroom and all of these extras try to talk to me, I ignore them and sit alone, there was this one kid he had red and white hair and he was sitting in the couner reading a book.

I walk over to him, maybe he is not annoying, "hi" I say, he looks up from his book, he had some pink stuff on his cheeks I think "h-hi" he says, I sit with him and we talk for a bit about what our names are, what out favourite colour is and who is our favourite hero is. He was really cool but he had something wrong with him, when I get really close to him he face become more and more pink, weird.

his name is Shoto and he is really nice and quiet, we played with eachother at recess too, "wanna play on the swings Shoto?" I ask him, he nods and we run to the swings and we start playing, a ball came flying threw the sky and it landed near us so I ran to get it and give it back to the kid. When I got back Shoto was on the floor crying and some girls were on the swing he was just on "OI" I yell, Shoto was really short compared to these girls but I towered over the girls, they ran away and went to the teachers as I slapped one of the girls for calling Shoto stupid.

I got time out, after time out it was the end of recess and it was nap time, I found were Shoto was sleeping and I snuggled with him and fell asleep. I woke up to Shoto in front of me asleep, I just look at him, he had scratches from those girls but he is still cute....WHAT I DON'T THINK SHOTO IS CUTE.

Shoto woke up and we just stared at each other and didn't say anything, the teacher came to us and said it was the end of nap time and we should just play until our parnets come, me and Shoto were playing house, I was the dad and Shoto was the mum and we used Shoto's teddy bear for our kid, it was fun but my mum came to pick me up, I said bye to Shoto and walk over to the girls "you hurt him and you won't able to run to the teachers" I say, they look at each other and just nod.

my mum was putting me into the car and I asked "mama, what happens when you have pink stuff that come on and off your cheeks", my mama smiles and says "that is blush, it only shows you when they see someone they like, like me and dad", so Shoto loves me, oh cool, I do to, he is a good friend.

"mama, my friend was doing the pink thing to their cheeks" I say, "oh really, whats her name?" mama asked, "no mama he is a boy, his name is Shoto" I say, "oh sorry, I just thought because he likes you" My mama mubbled, I am very confused but I ws exicted to see Shoto tommorow.  

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