{3rd person}
Bakugou walked towards the woods that was near his house, he had gotten in an argument with his parents and needed to calm down, he decided the woods was the best place to go. He ran his hand through his hair, he sighed, "I'm sick of their shit" he says quietly.
he walked through the dark woods, he looks around and smiled, he always felt calm when he was in the woods he felt calm.
while he was looking around a bright light came out of the trees, he ran towards it to see what it was, "the hell" he says quietly, the light then died down and disappeared, he went to it and found a petite boy, around his age laying on the ground, Bakugou ran to him and bent down next to the boy, Bakugou poked his cheek, it was soft and squish, he did it again, the petite boy opened his eyes slowly, "hey are you ok?" Bakugou asked.
the boy sat up, he was wearing a white and gold kimono, he had red and white hair with fox ears on the top of his head, he had a big fluffy tail as well. Bakugou stared at the boy, "are you ok?" he asked, "i am ok, are you alright? you seem stressed" the boy says, Bakugou nods, "hey why do you have ears and a tail?" Bakugou asked confused, "oh! hi I'm Shoto Todoroki! I am a spirt that comes down and helps the stressed, over worked and tired people of the earth!" he says with a smile, "so why are you here?" he asks, "well I don't know entirely, I could sense there was someone here who is stressed but oh my god" he says, "what is it?" Bakugou asked, "there is so much stressful energy coming from you" he says.
Todoroki stood up, he quite short, Bakugou was like 4inchs taller than him, "you are so stressed! I am going to make you calm, less angry" he says, Todoroki grabbed Bakugou's hand, he ran into the woods more, "where are you taking me?!" Bakugou asked, the trees start start to grow, the close in until Bakugou couldn't see anymore, when trees finally made way Todoroki and Bakugou were in a big room, it was gold and white, there was a big couch and bean bags all around. A huge tv ws set up and there was a kitchen filled with great smelling food, "what is this place?" he asked, "well it is my home, I can see you don't like your own home so I took you to mine, you can stay here for forever, in this place you are calm and chill, it will be good for you" he says.
Todoroki pushed Bakugou on the couch, "what's your favorite food?" he asks, "uh I like curry" Bakugou says, Todoroki smiled and walked to the kitchen, Bakugou looked around the room from the couch.
Todoroki came back with a bowl of hot curry, "it is hot so be careful!" he says with a smile, Bakugou sat up, "did you make some for yourself?" he asked, "ah no, just for you, it's ok, I don't like spicy stuff, I like sweet stuff like cookies!" Todoroki says, he giggled, Bakugou blushed, 'cute' he thought.
Todoroki jumped on one of the bean bags, he giggled and looked at Bakugou, "eat the food! it will make you feel better!" he says with a smile, Bakugou took a bite of the curry, he felt instantly calm and collected, "it's really good" he says, Todoroki smiled, "thanks!" he says happily.
Bakugou continued to eat the food, he finished up the curry and stood up, he walked to the kitchen and started to wash the bowl and spoon, "h-hey Bakugou! don't do that! you are meant to relax" Todoroki says, he got off the bean bag and RNs to Bakugou, he fell over while running, he got up and tried to stop Bakugou, "it's ok Todoroki, I can do it" Bakugou says with a smile, Todoroki pouts and crosses his arms, he walked back to the bean bag and sat on it.
Bakugou walked over to Todoroki, he laughed at Todoroki's angry expression, "you can't laugh! I am mad at you!" he says,"i will make you cookies, will that make you feel better?" Bakugou asked, Todoroki's face lit up, "oh yes please!" he says with a smile.
Todoroki ran to the book shelf, he snapped his fingers and a step ladder appears, "how did you oh right spirit, magic" Bakugou says, Todoroki climbed the ladder and pulled out a book, "ah ha!" he says, Todoroki jumped off the ladder, "holy shit!" Bakugou yelled, Todoroki landed on his feet, he smiled at Bakugou, he then ran to the kitchen and put the book on the counter, "it's my cooking books!" he says happily.
Bakugou and Todoroki started to make the cookies, "oh I have milk in the fridge, it is extra sweet because the cow that made the milk was gold" Todoroki says, "oh? alright then" Bakugou says confused, "the chicken that made these eggs was twenty feet tall" Todoroki says, Bakugou looked at the eggs, they were the same size as the eggs not chickens that are twenty feet make.
they finished making the cookies, Bakugou and Todoroki sat on the couch, they were just talking about stuff, "so when do you want me to leave?" Bakugou asked, "well this is up to you but if you want you can stay here for awhile, I mean you don't seem happy at your house" Todoroki says, he looked at his feet, "yeah I will stay with you" Bakugou says, Todoroki smiled, "really?! that is awesome!" he says happily, "i am still going to school ok?" he says, Todoroki nods happily.

todobaku/bakutodo one shots
Fanfictionso this is just a simple oneshot book I may add smut idk so types of things that I will right about -fluff -angst -lemon -lime -crack story {requests are allowed!}