why Midoriya?

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*3rd person*

Todoroki waited for Midoriya for an hour, he had been stood up. Todoroki ordered some food "I'll get a burger with a side of sadness" Todoroki said, he rested his head on the table and closed his eyes. he felt his head being tapped, he opened his eyes to see a ash blonde boy, with crimson eyes, "sup half and half" he said, then Todoroki realized who it is "Bakugou?" Todoroki asked, "the one and only" he said

Todoroki and Bakugou had a great night and Todoroki almost forgot about Midoriya until he heard his phone Bing, it was Midoriya

Midoriya: sorry I couldn't be there

me: it is okay, I had another date

I stopped texting Midoriya after that and kept having fun with Bakugou, he is such a sweet guy 

wait, I don't like him do I, I mean I told Midoriya that I had another date, OH NO, I need a moment. Bakugou and I walked home together and it was silent but a nice silent, peaceful. "so half and half, why were you at the burger place, you don't seem like the kind of guy" he asked, oh no what do I say, just tell him the truth, "I was going on a day and I got stood up" I said, he looked sort sad, "who was your date?" he asked, "oh Midoriya" I respond, his sadness turned to anger, "whatever, it is just dumb deku" he said, I laugh.

Bakugou drops me off at home and I said goodbye and walked to the door and blew a kiss, Bakugou blushed and just waved. After Todoroki went inside Bakugou walked to Midoriya's house, he was pissed, "Todoroki is such a nice guy and then bloody deku has to do him like this" he whispered, he finally got to the house and banged on the door, Midoriya opened the door, Bakugou exploded, "DEKU, YOU STOOD UP TODOROKI" Bakugou grabbed him by the shirt "YOU SUCK, TODOROKI IS AN AMAZING GUY THAT HAS A GREAT PERSONALITY, YOU LOST YOUR CHANCE" Bakugou screamed, he walked away. 

Midoriya closed the door and grabbed his phone and texted Todoroki,

me: he did it, he came to my house

bestie: oh really? yes!

me:he said you have a great personality and your amazing


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