*3rd person*
Shoto Todoroki was a villain who had a crush on the hero Katsuki Bakugou, he would follow Bakugou were ever he went, Todoroki would watch him from afar, little did Todoroki know Bakugou had been researching about Todoroki, he had grown a sudden interest in the villain ever since he was on the news for saving some civilians, Bakugou was interested to see f a bad person could turn good.
Todoroki followed Bakugou like he usually did, Bakugou was going a different route the he usually did on a Tuesday morning, he walked past his school instead he walked down an ally way, Todoroki stood outside this ally way listening in for any sound, " you said to meet you here so where are you?" Bakugou said, Todoroki peered his head over to look inside the ally way, Bakugou stood in front of a tall male, " Bakugou Katsuki, i have asked before and i shall ask again, join me in the league of villains" the male said, he had teal hair and crusty skin, Todoroki rolled his eyes, he had been approached by the league of villains before but turned them down.
Todoroki heard Bakugou start laughing, " again with this shit? no way! stop asking loser" Bakugou says, " you leave me no choice, Kurogiri warp him to the base, let toga have her fun with him then we will ask again" the male said, Todoroki ran into the ally way and punched the male, another person came out of the shadows, his body was a purple mist, Todoroki took a few steps back before kicking the first one, "go back to your base with your fucking five year old"Todoroki said to the so called Kurogiri, the mist went around the male that was unnamed and then they both were gone.
"who are you?" Bakugou asked, Todoroki turned over to him, "oh your that anti-hero that saves people right ? i saw you on the news a couple days ago" Bakugou said, "yeah i'm him, shoto Todoroki pleasure to meet you" he said, Todoroki raised his hand for Bakugou to shake it, "Katsuki Bakugou, the future number one hero" Bakugou says with a smirk, he shook Todoroki's hand, Todoroki felt his heart skip a beat and his face start to feel hot, "well i must go, if you ever want to contact me find me around this big town, i am usually somewhere around here" Todoroki says, "yeah whatever" Bakugou says.
Bakugou left the ally-way, Todoroki jumped up, "yes! i talked to him!" Todoroki says, he walked out of the ally-way and continued to follow Bakugou.
the weekend finally arrived and Bakugou wanted to go look for Todoroki, ever since that day Todoroki had been on Bakugou's mind, like he was a disease, infecting Bakugou's mind. Bakugou looked around the town for a little bit before seeing Todoroki's infamous red and white hair, Bakugou walked up to him, "oi half and half!" Bakugou called out, Todoroki turned around, "oh Bakugou, is that my new nickname?" Todoroki asked, "eh i don't know yet, anyway i wanted to talk to you" Bakugou says, "you wanted to talk to trash like me?" todoroki asked, Bakugou hit Todoroki over the head, "don't talk about yourself like that, i wanted to ask if you wanted to come to that cafe that just opened with me?" Bakugou asked, Todoroki looked surprised, "r-really? i would be honoured!" Todoroki said happily.
they walked to the cafe in silence, Todoroki was silently freaking out because by chance he got to go on a date with his crush. Bakugou was glaring at little kids or brats as Bakugou likes to call them, he hated all children, like a horrible teenage boy he is.
they entered the cafe and sat own at one of the tables, a waitress came to their table and gave them two menus, " listen halfie, there is a reason i wanted to meet up with you" Bakugou says, Todoroki looked at him, "what kind of villain are you?" he asked, Todoroki looked bum confused, " what do you mean?" Todoroki asked Bakugou, "well you save people like a hero would do but the news refers to you as a villain, so why do they do that?" Bakugou asked, Todoroki laughed, "i grew up in a household were i was a tool to my fathers need of power, my father is Endeavour and i am his son who tested against heroes, hated them at one point because of my father, then i got to see you, when you were on tv for the sports festival my opinion changed about heroes, you had so much passion and skill unlike any other hero i have seen, it made me want to help people even if it is to late for me to enter yuuei the school of heroes i wanted to help people so while you helped when the big crimes happened i helped with the ladies who were getting attacked in the ally-ways late at night or kittens who got stuck in trees" Todoroki said with a smile.
Bakugou stared at him, "so no crime?" Bakugou asked, "oh, the only crime i have committed was when i was young and i attacked my dad" Todoroki said, "how is that a crime?" Bakugou asked, "i stabbed him, he is alive but he almost died" Todoroki said, "oh" Bakugou said quietly, "sorry! i was just trying to escape my family, i made a mistake i know" Todoroki said, "nah it is ok Todoroki, you don't need to apologise" Bakugou said, Todoroki blushed, "you used my name" Todoroki said quietly, " what?!"Bakugou asked, "n-nothing" Todoroki stuttered.
Todoroki and Bakugou spent the rest of the day hanging out with eachother, Todoroki continued trying to flirt with Bakugou but he failed, Bakugou never got the hint, they had a good time though.
{the next day}
Bakugou went to the staff room at his school, he opened the door, " oi teach!" Bakugou said, he walked p to Mr. Aizawa, "yes Bakugou?" Mr Aizawa said, "you need to get Shoto Todoroki into this school! he is an amazing hero and saved so many people but no one knows, you need to teach how to be a better hero or i am going to kill someone" Bakugou said, Mr Aizawa sighed, "i'll have to ask Nezu so i don't know if i can, just don't kill anyone yet" Mr Aizawa said, "ohhh Bakugou Katsuki has a boyfriend~" Midnight said, Bakugou glared at her.

todobaku/bakutodo one shots
Fanfictionso this is just a simple oneshot book I may add smut idk so types of things that I will right about -fluff -angst -lemon -lime -crack story {requests are allowed!}