*Bakugou's p.o.v*
I got into a fight with some villains, I got injured in the fight and now Kirishima was calling see guy to take care of me for the next month or so, "I'm fine" I said, Kirishima looked at me and sighed, "you need medical attention Bakubro, a nurse is coming to help you" Kirishima says.
a couple of minutes passed the nurse arrived, "I got male nurse so don't flirt with him" Kirishima says, Kirishima walked back into my room with a short male with red and white hair, he was really cute, "hi I am Shoto Todoroki, I will be taking care of you!" He says. J nod at him, Kirishima left a bit after that.
Shoto came into the room with some soup, "I know your hands are hurt so I will feed you!" he says, he sat down on the bed and helped me sit up, "open up!" he said, I open my mouth and he puts the spoon full of soup in my mouth, "did you make this?" I asked, "I did, sorry if it isn't any good" Todoroki says, "no it actually really good " Bakugou says, Todoroki smiled, "thank you!" he says, he felt myself blushing, "so cute" I whispered under my breath.
I was trying to get some sleep when Todoroki entered the room, "I am here to check on you" Todoroki says, he sat me up and did the check up, "how is your chest?" he asked, he put one hand one my chest, I felt my heart race, he looked at me a bit more, you seemed good" he said, Todoroki smiled at me.
{time skip}
it was late and I needed to get ready for bed, "oi Todoroki, i want to take a shower!" I yell, he can into the room and helped me tp the bathroom, he made me a bath as I take off my clothes with him still there, "Bakugou your bath is oh my god!" Todoroki says, he covered his eyes, "d-did you have to do that when I was still here?" he asked, I smirked, "I don't know, if you like the view then sure" I say, he started muttering something and being cute.
once I got in the bath Todoroki ran out of the bathroom, I laughed at how flustered he was, I washed my hair then my body, I decided i am strong enough do this by myself, I get out of the bath and put a towel around my waist, I start to walk out of the bath but Todoroki was having none of that, "what are you doing?" he asked, "I am going to get changed" I say, "you are weaker than a twig! come on" Todoroki says, he help me to my room, he was looking through my closet and pulled out my biggest jumper, I got it from Mina for just in case I get a boyfriend, "mine" he said to himself, he put the jumper back and got me a shirt and shorts to wear.
after I got dressed he was packing up some stuff, "I don't want to do this but I will have to go back to my house so I can sleep, I will back by morning though so don't worry" Todoroki says, "why can't you stay here?"I asked, "because you didn't say that I was allowed too" he said, I took this as a perfect opportunity, "you can stay here, I have a guest room down the hall, here let me go get you some clothes, you have been wearing that all day" I say.
I go back into my room and pull out the jumper and some short shorts, I go back to him and handed it to him, "here you go!" I said, he smiled and went to get changed. When he came back he looked adorable, like I expected, "alright bed time!" he says, we walked to my room and he said good night to me, "can I get a good night's kiss?" I asked, his face grew bright red and he slammed the door shut.
{another time skip!!}
I woke up late at night to sounds in the kitchen, I opened my door slightly to see Todoroki pacing the kitties, "you can't do this right now" he whispered, "you are in someone else's house!" he says, I walked into the kitchen, "B-b-b-bakugou, hi, do you need anything?" he put on a happy persona, "are you ok?" I asked, "just a mild panic attack, it is nothing!" he says, I hugged him, "you can stay in my room if you want, it might make you feel better that someone is around" I say, I hear the faint sound of crying.
me and Todoroki stood in the kitchen for a bit, we then walked into my room, he laid down on my bed and I followed after him, I hugged him tightly, we both slowly feel asleep after that.

todobaku/bakutodo one shots
Fanfictionso this is just a simple oneshot book I may add smut idk so types of things that I will right about -fluff -angst -lemon -lime -crack story {requests are allowed!}