*Bakugou's p.o.v*
I didn't get much sleep last night, I was still thinking about Kirishima and his stupid face, he broke up with you Katsuki so stop crying over it, I felt the tears start running down my face, I try to stand up but collapsed on the floor, I guess that because I was a bit deprived.
I slowly walk to the kitchen where I see Kirishima and Kaminari talking, I sigh and go to the fridge, I look around a bit before hearing "excuse me Bakugou" it was icy-hot, I looked at him well I looked down, I have been growing taller recently and I am already taller then icy-hot, "what's up?" I say, "can you reach the soba for me, Iida put the soba on the top shelf so I couldn't reach it" he said sadly, I sigh and open the top shelf, I bet he could of reached this just didn't want glasses seeing, I look around for a bit before stumbling across some cereal that me and Kirishima always ate in the morning, sort of like tradition, I threw the cereal out of the way and it hit Pikachu, ha nice, I get the soba and throw it at Icy-hot before leaving back to my room.
I was doing some school work when stomach growled, I ignored it and continued my work, thank god it was the weekend because I couldn't survive being around Kirishima and his stupid grin and his kinda fit body, he bang my head against the table, I felt well up again, what did I do wrong? did I do this? was it the way that acted to him that I don't love him anymore, was there a way I could of prevented this, how could I have been better so we stayed together,
I look around my desk for something sharp, 'you deserve this' I heard a voice in my head say, 'wow again?! are you that weak?' I heard another voice say, 'who would want to date you if you act like this if there was a break up' another voice taunted. I look at my wrist and the existing scars that were already there from the first day of the break up, I glide the razor over my pale wrist which makes a red liquid come out from the the line, I felt a huge sting go up my arm and I stopped for a moment, 'don't stop you deserve it' I heard it say, I continued up my wrist till I thought it was enough, I fell the hot tears streaming down my face and them falling on my cuts making the pain grow worse.
I go to the bathroom and wrap my arm with a cloth to stop the bleeding then I just put on a jumper, I walk back to the common room and everyone was there and Kirishima sat in the middle of the group, I guess they didn't notice me because they kept talking, "I brkoe up with him so what? I didn't feel the love anymore, give me a break" Kirishima says, everyone looked at each other then someone spoke up, "yeah ok sure you didn't feel anymore love but over text, what do you think happens when someone breaks up oblver text? the person who gets broken up with harms themselves, do you want Bakugou to do that?!" it was icy-hot, he was standing up for me? " listen you don't know Bakugou like I know Bakugou, he wouldn't do that" Kirishima says,"you don't know anything, he is hurting and you are having a mother's meeting in the common room complaining about how he was a bad boyfriend! no you are a bad boyfriend because you always hung out Kaminari over him, you always judged him and you thought he was irrational so you ignored him some more, I was surprised he didn't break up with you, you slimy, cheating bastard" Todoroki says, he stood up and walked away, he then looked me in the eyes, he wasn't shocked, he was concerned, I grabbed him by the arm and dragged him to my dorm.
I sat him down on my bed and I sat on my chair, "what was that about?" I asked, "Kirishima was talking to Kaminari about how he thought you were a horrible boyfriend and the rest of the class was intrigued, I didn't like what he was saying so I said something, no one likes my opinion though" he said, "I did, I need to tell you this because I can't tell anyone else, there is no reason I should be telling you this but I am so here we go" I said, "I have been cutting myself" I said, I roll up my sleeves and show him, he starts crying, "are you ok-" i was cut of by him, "never do this again, I have been in your shoes and cutting never ends well" he says.
we talked for a bit about how I should stop cutting but after that it was just normal conversation, he was actually really funny, he has all of this black mail on Deku, it is great, he left around ten, I didn't want him to leave but I get he could be tired, "my dorm is always open if you want to talk Bakugou" he says as he leaves, I felt my heart flutter over the fact I could be in his room, don't tell me, I had a crush on him.
I cursed myself for falling for him because he just thought of me. as a friend but damn if I could make him mine I would, when do lesson again?
*Todoroki's p.o.v*
I sped back to my room blushing like a mad man, yes! I got to talk to Bakugou! I am so happy but he just sees me as emotional support, "AhHhH" I yell throwing a water bottle at the wall, I lay down on the floor and think,
if I was going to date Bakugou, I need to step my game up.

todobaku/bakutodo one shots
Fanfictionso this is just a simple oneshot book I may add smut idk so types of things that I will right about -fluff -angst -lemon -lime -crack story {requests are allowed!}