*Todoroki's p.o.v*
I woke up to the beeping of my alarm, I turned over slowly turning it off. I pull myself of the bed and stretch my arms to get some sort of movement in, I walked towards my closet and look inside, no clothes? oh right I didn't pack in my clothes yesterday, I was hanging out with the class, wait Bakugou's dare, "no he can make me fall in love with him if I am already in love" I say, I rub my eyes to wake myself up a bit.
when I finally found some nice clothes I put them on and I looked in the mirror, I wore a white button up long sleeved shirt, a sleeveless cardigan. over it, I put on that bowtie Momo gave me in the second year around my neck and then some pants. I grabbed my phone and left my room, I walked outside for a bit before hearing the sound of Bakugou screaming, "I had to deal with this for 3 years and now a couple more till I move out of the place" I say to myself.
I followed the sound to see a angry Bakugou and a very terrified Midoriya, "oi shortie you look like a school girl" Bakugou comments, I grabbed Midoriya by the arm, "well I thought if I dress like a child the you would feel weird about the dare and not use your manly charms" I said dragging Midoriya by the arm outside of that room.
"Todoroki" Midoriya whispered, "yeah?" I responded, "what did you mean when you were talking with Kacchan?" Midoriya asked, I sighed and paused, "look I made a joke yesterday about Bakugou not having any good charms to swoon over anyone and then he said by the end of the week he will make me fall in love with him" I said disappointment in my voice, "but you already like him?" Midoriya said, "yeah,. can't make me fall in love with you if I am already in love, that is what I am telling myself, now let's get you away from Bakugou" I say.
after getting Midoriya as far away from Bakugou I can {Midoriya is in his apartment} I walked downstairs, I felt someone grab my arm and put me to the wall, it was Bakugou, "wow Bakugou, preying on a minor" I joked, "oh so you think your so funny shortie" he said, I went to leave but he placed his arm in the way and put me back, "what do you want?" I asked, "oh so it looks like your forgetting what you said yesterday" he laughed, "I will win icy-hot and when I do win you will be so in love that you won't even know what to do and because I don't love you then you will have to find away to stop loving me" he said, I bit my lip and look down tk the ground, "oh don't put yourself down icy-hot" he said, he lifted my chin up do I look at him, "it looks like I have already won" he said, "in your dreams" o said, I kicked his leg and ran away.
Bakugou was yelling at me as I ran away, I bumped into Kirishima on the way, "hey Todobroki!" Kirishima says happily, "hi Kirishima" I say, "do you want to go to the movies with me to watch this new movie that just came out and I was going to go with Kaminari but he is busy" Kirishima says, I thought about for a moment, "yeah sure let's go watch the movie!" I say.
when we arrived at the cinema I felt the sense of being watched, "hey Kirishima what kind of movie is this?" I asked, "oh it is this super cool new super hero movie, I know it might not be your cup of tea but.." he trails off, "no way! I love action movies, I actually want to admit to something" I say, "yeah what is it?" Kirishima asked, "I always loved watching Bakugou fight, he has so much drive and passion, it is like action movie but in real life!" I said happily,"is that why you like him?" Kirishima said out of the blue, "huh?" I looked over at him, "well everyone and their grandma knows you like him, well except Bakugou" he said, I go to the wall and proceed to bang my head against it, Kirishima pulled me away from the wall, "you are bleeding a bit" Kirishima says, he wiped the blood off my forehead.
we watching the movie when Kirishima leaned over and whispered in my ear, "I am going to ask here so you can't scream but when are you going to ask Bakugou out?", I sigh and look at him, I shake my head and go back to watching the movie.
once we got out Kirishima started lecturing me, "what do you mean you are not going to ask him out?" Kirishima yells, "Kirishima we are in public!" I say, a lot of people were looking at us, "oh sorry but what do you mean? you like him" Kirishima says quieter, "because he doesn't like me?" I replied, he gave me a concerned look, "how do you know?" Kirishima asked, "he already told me" I say.
the car ride back to the apartment was quiet with the quiet cough or sneeze, once we get back we see Mina and Tokoyami talking outside, "that is a weird sight" Kirishima comments, we walked over and looked over to us, "hey you guys so do you know where Bakugou is?" Mina asked, "in hell" I responded, "oh icy-hot don't kill me off just yet" Bakugou said behind me, "I was just watching icy-hot and shitty hair go on a date" Bakugou laughed, "aw Bakugou's jealous his little icy-hot's going out, we get it" I say, I walked away blushing, "what?!" he yelled, I turned over to him and blew him a kiss before running up stairs.
I ran into my room and closed the door, I looked up at the ceiling, "I am never going to get him to like me" I say to myself, I locked the door and start to unpack my things. I was on my 5th box when I heard a knock at the door, I walked over and opened the door cautiously, it was Yaoyorozu, "Todoroki!" she says, she went into my room pushing me out of the way in the process, I close the door, "lock the door, lock the door" she repeated, I locked the door and she grabbed me, "Bakugou and Midoriya are fighting in the car park, with quirks" she said, I go over to one of my bottles and pull out a spray bottle, "this should work".
I filled up the salary bottle with water and walked down stairs, I finally get into the parking lot to see sure enough a group of people watching Midoriya and Bakugou fight, I push threw the crowd and get to the boys, "oh do you think he is going to fight?" I hear people ask, I watched as they pushed away from each other, I finally stood in the middle of them and froze both of them in place, "oi what the hell icy-hot?!" Bakugou yelled , I walked over to him and started spraying him with the spray bottle, "are you serious? this isn't yueei any more, you can't just fight Midoriya where ever you want because you feel like it and all damage will be payed for?" I say, " hey into the real world Bakugou, where not all issues are Midoriya's fault, wake up" I say, "I don't know why I love you" I say, I walked away.
I get to my apartment door and was about to open it but Uraraka came running down the hall, "Todoroki!" she said, "yes Uraraka?" I looked over to her, "Bakugou said he needs to talk to you" she says, "tell him he needs a reality check before he needs me" I say, I opened the door to my room then slam it shut.
I fell asleep on my couch only to be woken up later by someone standing over me, "what the hell?" I say, I go to attack them but then I hear their voice, "Todoroki! you could of been attacked! don't leave your door unlocked" it was my mother {who not actually my mother} Iida, "hey Iida!" I say, he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder, "you are very light for someone your age Todoroki" Iida comments, "yeah I guess so" I say, I slowly drift back to sleep.
I woke up to Iida yelling, "I have brought him!" Iida yelled, he put me in a chair and I looked around, all of the classwas there, "ok what's up?" I say, " you need to talk to Bakugou" Uraraka says, "listen I don't care about Bakugou or his weird problems" I say, "you are a liar" Midoriya says, " Midoriya you don't even know what I am talking about" I say, "you have had a crush on for 3 years" Midoriya says, "you know what i don't need to be here ok! I am leaving" I say, I stood up and then u pushed back down, "ok so I can't leave, nice" I say, "where am I?" I looked around, "you are in Yaoyorozu's room, she has a really big apartment" Kaminari says and like that they all left the room expect one, Bakugou.
"that was weird" I say, "what is weirder is that you like me?" Bakugou says, "listen Bakugou, I was just kidnapped by Sonic in his human form then yelled at by a bunch of kids ok I don't need this right now" I say, "yeah you need to explain to me if you actually like me or not?" Bakugou says, "ok yeah I like you ok, geez I didn't realize it was such a big deal now I am leaving for dramatic effect and also just because I want to leave" I say.
I get up to leave but he grabbed my arm, he pulled me closer to him, "Bakugou stop" I say, "so you get to say that you love me but I don't get to say I love you" he said laughing, he kissed me, on the lips, I must of been red as Kirishima's hair, once he let go, I stepped back a bit and looked at him, he was smiling at me like he had one, " you can't make me fall in love with you if I am already in love with you, I win Bakugou" I say.

todobaku/bakutodo one shots
Fanfictionso this is just a simple oneshot book I may add smut idk so types of things that I will right about -fluff -angst -lemon -lime -crack story {requests are allowed!}