in class

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*Todoroki's P.O.V*

I feel asleep in class and when i woke up the only person that was in the room was Bakugou, he was sat on the desk next to mine, "ah your awake finally" he said, I smile "thank you for waiting" I say, he just nodded "well you look cute when you sleep so it would be illegal if i just left" he said and winked at me,  my gay panic was kicking in and I started stuttering, "wow Icy-hot, I didn't realise you could get cuter but you surprised me" Bakugou said with a laugh.

he walked with me back to my house, half way through he grabbed my hand kissed it, um well... "uhhhhhhhhhh" I say, he moved his face closer to mine,"it is okay, I will wait till the correct moment" he said, we continued walking till we stopped outside of my house, my father was there.

"SHOTO, YOU ARE LATE" my father yelled, Bakugou pulled me closer to him and kissed me on the lips!!! my father just stared in shock, Bakugou let me go and said " just tell me when kitten" and left, my face was red and I just walked away from my father and ignored him.

*Bakugou's P.O.V*

I checked my phone and opened it, I looked at the 100 photos that I took of him and picked the best two even though all of them were great and I mad them by background, " oh my god, I am in love with this man" I say.

todobaku/bakutodo one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now