*Todoroki's p.o.v*
I got into my car and sighed, "bye dad" I said waving at him, today was the day I moved out of my dad's house and into the apartment complex, "come back at Christmas!" Fuyumi yells, I back out of the driveway and drive away, I finally graduated from yuuei, it took effort but I did not get expelled once! Bakugou was suspended how many time? everytime he did serious damage to Midoriya, speaking of Midoriya I should call him.
I stopped at the lights, it was red so I had time, I call Midoriya and put him on speaker, "Hi Todoroki!" I could Midoriya say, "hey Midoriya" I replied, "I am close to the apartment block now" I said, "Todoroki..." I hear him laugh to himself, "what's up?" I asked, "you know at graduation when you were telling me that you were happy you got out of yuuei because then you would not have to confess your crush on Bakugou" he said, I sigh, "listen I don't get see him again so the feelings should just go away" I said, "well he is in the apartment next to you" he said, I slammed on the breaks of my car, I slowly started moving again, lucky no one else was driving on the road or there would of bfromeen an accidental car crash.
"are you ok Todoroki" Midoriya asked, "yeah Midoriya, I might not see him often, oh I am here, can you come downstairs and help me with my stuff?" I asked, "I am coming to help you!" he said, I parked my car and opened the Bott, "icy-hot! I thought I got rid off you" Bakugou said, "Bakugou the only way you can rid of me is by killing me" I did, "and even with that I will always be on the news, talking about me death, how much I will be missed" I was stalling till Midoriya came so I could just run up into my room and hide, " I guess class 123A knows we're the best apartment block is because all of the students are here too" Bakugou says, "123A? you should just say 1A even though we were together the entire time we were best known for the stuff we did in our first year, even if we moved up years we were always class 1A" I said, " Kacchan already flirting with Todoroki, we just got of school guys no need to do the same thing you guys did then" Midoriya said, he took a box out of my car, "we were just talking and even if we were doing the things in class that means Bakugou can kill you" I said, " hell yeah I can!" Bakugou said, he grabbed a box from my car and ran after Midoriya, "I'M GOING TO KILL YOU DEKU"
{time skip brought to you by Bakugou's murder plans}
I finally finished moving all do my stuff, Bakugou was in my room drinking some water and I tried my best to not look at the in under shirt, sweating, very hot Bakugou that was behind me, " Todoroki you are here too?" it was Momo, she was standing at the entrance of my room with Jiro behind her, "yeah I am here! seems like you and Jiro hit it off" I said, she looked at me and sighed, "of course and it is all your fault" she said laughing, "it is not my fault you guys love eachother, it is my fault for sending you two into the lovers cave on our camping trip, Mr Aizawa didn't even care" I said, "we were stuck with the spiders all night because of you" Jiro said, Bakugou walked up behind me mad ruffled my hair, "it was funny so it is ok" he said laughing.
Momo looked at us and laughed, "remember that day when Bakugou woke. up and was taller than Todoroki" Momo said, "I can't forget" Jiro laughed, "what were the nicknames, shortieroki, icy short, shortie, short cake, daddy issues coming in short, what else?" Momo named them off, "oh that is not all of them and certainly I am not going to stop seeing shortie is my neighbor" Bakugou said, he left the room laughing, once I heard his door shut I sighed, "you still like him huh?" Momo asked, "since the first year we meet, something about him, I don't know" I said, "we'll get dressed, all of the class is going shopping for food, we are leaving at 7 so don't be late!" Momo says, and like that her and Jiro left, I laid down on the couch and sighed, I looked at the wall knowing that on the other of this wall was the guy I have a crush on, "4 years and it is not going to stop" I said to myself.
{time skip again brought to you by Midoriya might be dead}
I left my apartment around 6:50 so I could be early, I walked down stairs to see Iida was the only one there, "I see you and me both like being early to things Todoroki" Iida says, "it was us to who got here so early we had to clean Midoriya's blood off the walls because the cleaners were not there yet" I say, "yes, what was it that day, I believe Midoriya was talking to you when Bakugou going mad and threw his desk at Midoriya making a big mess of blood, wood and you saying what was that line?" Iida says, "this isn't the first time getting covered in Midoriya's blood and it won't be the last" i repeat, "and it definitely wasn't, I should of died of blood loss that day" Midoriya said from behind me, "ah hello Midoriya" i said.
after everyone arrived we all started walking to the store, as we were walking Kirishima put Midoriya on his back, "Kirishima!" Midoriya yelled as held on to Kirishima's shoulders, "it is a Piggy back ride Midoriya" he said, then he ran, " oh so we are starting now huh?" I hear Bakugou call, he grabbed me by the atm and put on his back, "get ready shortie" he said, he ran after Kirishima, I was trying to get a good look at them, I made some ice in my hand, "hope this isn't cheating" I said, I threw the ice at Kirishima's head, he stopped for a bit so we passed him.
we got to the shops to see everyone joined in on our stupid rave, "Todoroki! that was cheating!" Kirishima yelled, "well you never said quirks were not allowed" I replied, "ha sucked in shitty hair" Bakugou said, I got down and looked at the display in front of me, Iida had Tokoyami on his back as Uraraka fought them with Tsu on he back, Kaminari was on Sero's back as they fought Momo and Jiro, "oh look it is the problem children that I thought I lost" it was Mr Aizawa, he was leaving the store with some groceries, "who started this mess" he asked, they all pointed to me, Bakugou, Midoriya and Kirishima, "ah you four, the biggest pains of them all" he said, he looked at me, "you were meant to help them get better not help with their problem of hurting eachother" Mr Aizawa says, "hey you are not our teacher anymore, we can do what we want!" Bakugou says, "I guess not, but you guys were my favorite class" Mr Aizawa says, Mina started yelling about something as we entered the store.
we were all isles when I saw the soba, "oh yes" I said, I went to grab it but Bakugou grabbed it first, "if the shortie needs to get on the shelf to reach it, it probably means they need help" Bakugou says, he slap him grab the soba and run.
when we go pay for our stuff Bakugou slammed some first aid kit on the table, "what's with the Peppa pig bandages Bakugou?" I asked, "oh it's for you seeing you are acting like a child" he said, "going on to your bill not mine" I said, "we all are paying together shortie" he said, he flicked my forehead, "ow that hurt" I say, I grabbed on to Iida, "Iida, he is hurting me" I say in the most baby voice I can, Iida then proceeded to tell at Bakugou to act like an adult and to not to hurt people, Bakugou flipped me off.
we got back to the apartment block we all went our separate ways, me and Bakugou walked together though, "you are such a dick for doing that" Bakugou says, "well I guess so" I said, I giggled, "oh don't get cute with me ok, I am still mad at you" Bakugou said, "oh can I use some of my cute charm to make you not mad at me?" i asked, "ha, cute charm don't make me laugh" Bakugou said, "well it is not like you can do any better" I said, he smirked, "I have charm halfie" Bakugou said, "no way" I replied, "uh yeah I do, j bet I can make you fall in love with me by the end of this week" Bakugou says, "it is a Monday so you get 6 days seeing this one is just about to end" I said, "so it's a deal?" he said, we got to our apartments, he lifted his hand out for me to shake it, I grabbed his hand and he pulled me to his chest and kissed my cheek, I moved back and ran to my room, "this is going to be easy" Bakugou said, I opened my door and stuck my tongue at him as I entered my room.
"you just have to act like you don't like him" I say to myself, I closed the door and I collapsed on the couch, "this is going to be a rough week" I say.

todobaku/bakutodo one shots
Fanfictionso this is just a simple oneshot book I may add smut idk so types of things that I will right about -fluff -angst -lemon -lime -crack story {requests are allowed!}