*Todoroki's p.o.v*
I sat in the car quietly as Momo and Jiro talked about something, " Todoroki are you ok?" Asked Momo, " yeah I am ok" I said, I looked out the window to see the beach was near. We arrived at the beach and parked the car near some cafe or something.
We walked to the beach and our class was there all of them,Mina was playing in the water with Kirishima and Sero, Mineta and Kaminari are watching Uraraka and Tsu sunbathe and Bakugou was trying to drown Midoriya, I looked at Bakugou shirtless body and I looked away and saw Momo's swimsuit, I have known Momo since we were kids so I want what is best for her, "MOMO WHAT ARE YOU WEARING!" I yell, I took off my shirt and put it on Momo, " if you wanted toshow skin go take a shower not a public" o said," sho I know you care about me but you also need a shirt" she said, " it is ok I will go swimming anyway so there is no point" I said walking into the water.
"Oi half and half make yourself useful and help me drown Deku" Bakugou said, I walked over to Midoriya, he was underwater only coming out for a breath before Bakugou shoved his head back under water, Kirishima threw a something I believe is a frisbee at Bakugou, Bakugou let go of Midoriya and went to kill Kirishima, "are you ok Midoriya?" I asked, he nodded before running out of the water.
I followed Bakugou and Kirishima, they went deeper and deeper in the ocean, I wasn't that good of a swimmer so I sorta walked to them, Bakugou's explosions did nothing in the ocean so he was throwing himself in the air and going down to Kirishima and pulling him down, they were making huge waves and everyone was staring at them, I looked at the surfers and they looked really pissed.
I looked back to Bakugou and he was still trying to kill Kirishima, I used the water and I froze both of them, " you two are pro heros in training not villains" I said, they both broke the ice and Bakugou gave me a dirty look.
I realized how far I was from the shore and because I couldn't swim I would most likely drown, "oi icy-hot!" Bakugou said, " yes Bakugou?" I asked, " I know you can't swim, I saw you walking here, jump on my back and let's go" he said, " wait what, Bakugou I..um" I siad, " just get on or you will be left here to drown" he said, I got on his back and he swam back to shore, " you know halfie you weigh like nothing" Bakugou said.
"Thanks Bakugou" I said, I felt heat coming to my face, I walked away and hid behind Momo for the rest of the time I was there trying to keep away from Bakugou.

todobaku/bakutodo one shots
Fanfictionso this is just a simple oneshot book I may add smut idk so types of things that I will right about -fluff -angst -lemon -lime -crack story {requests are allowed!}