Scene 11 - Thunderbird 2 Arrival

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Thunderbird 2 is lowering descent, approaching the danger zone. It is just Virgil in the control cabin.


Mobile Control from Thunderbird 2, approaching danger zone. Alan and Gordon are both standing by.

Thunderbird 2 approaches the beach carefully, there is little space for Thunderbird 2 to touch down on, but the engines fire as the ship gracefully lands, slightly in the water. Virgil pushes the white lever on his left forward, as the legs of the Thunderbird rise out, revealing Pod 4. The flap is opened, and the Excavator craft quickly wheels out onto the beach. Once the Excavator is approaching the rocks, the flap is sealed back up and Thunderbird 2 closes back down. Jeremy and the Officer watch magnificently in the police car, as they wait for the Armageddon to be released.


Wow! International Rescue! It's incredible! Nobody will believe me.

Officer Baker:

Hey kid, no photos!

Alan reaches the fallen rocks. And Thunderbird 2 blasts back into the air.


Thunderbird 2 to Mobile Control, Alan now freeing the two trapped in the rocks. Now dropping Gordon down now.


F.A.B Thunderbird 2.

Lady Penelope notices a helicopter in the distance, which seems to be circling around the area. She recognizes it.

Lady Penelope:

Scott, that helicopter in the distance, that was the craft that the Armageddon came in. They're obviously waiting for him to be released so they can take him back.


Back to his base possibly.

Lady Penelope:



Right, this area is no longer safe. Penelope, you stand by in FAB 1 and the moment the helicopter flies in after the Armageddon has been released, you go get them.

Lady Penelope:

F.A.B. What about you Scott?


I'll return to Thunderbird 1 and operate from the air.

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