Scene 15 - Pursuit to Bodmin Moor

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FAB 1 pulls up from the muddy water and over onto a similar beach like surface, the wheels edging over. The car speeds down the road, heading uphill. The helicopter is still heading in the same direction. Lady Penelope opens her radio up again.

Lady Penelope:

Lady Penelope to Thunderbird 5.


Lady Penelope? You chasing that helicopter from St. Alban's Head?

Lady Penelope:

Correct John. That's the Armageddon in that aircraft at this very moment.


M'lady! I've lost 'em. I can't see them anymore.

Lady Penelope:

Right. John, can you give us a course on where they're headed.


F.A.B Lady Penelope. They've landed in some hideout somewhere in Bodmin Moor.


Bodmin Moor, Mr. John sir? Crikey!

Lady Penelope:

Parker, something the matter?


Well m'lady, an acquaintance of mine back in the Slammer was one of a many groups who hid out in the Moors. And 'he was the only one who made it back alive. The others had all suffered a terrible doom from the Moor!

Lady Penelope:

I shouldn't be too worried about an old superstitious story. John, give Parker a course for Parker.


F.A.B. Course relayed.

The information is relayed on the dashboards of the car and marks that the craft has landed directly in the centre of the moor.


Great directly in the centre.

Lady Penelope:

Drive as fast as you can Parker.


Very well m'lady!

The car accelerates down the roads. As time passes, the car speeds down the A30 road, eventually driving through the massive fields. Nature, trees, and monuments stand for miles along Cornwall. Finally, approaching a massive stretch of trees, covering a massive chunk of the moor anyway, below the dull grey clouds. FAB 1 stops nearby the trees in some good cover.

We're 'ere, m'lady. This place always gives me the shivers.

Lady Penelope:

Right. Let's go Parker.


Right you are m'lady.

As Parker assists Lady Penelope out of FAB 1 politely, a bugging device has been left which sits just next to one of the trees. Small and practically invisible, it sits below at the very bottom of it. The two are armed and ready for action.

Lady Penelope:

Right. I shall lead the way Parker.


Very good m'lady.

Penelope is the first to enter through the mysterious forest, her gun loaded and aimed forward. She slips! Penelope plummets down some rocks and splats into some gooey mud at the bottom, squelching and repulsive.

Lady Penelope:

Help Parker! Help!


Yes m'lady!

She begins sinking!

Lady Penelope:

Quick Parker. Pull me up!

Parker grabs hold of her and desperately pulls her out as hard as she can, but isn't enough! She was still stuck.

Fetch me a rope from FAB 1, quickly!


That will take too long m'lady!

He then strongly pulls her out of the slimy mud, covered in the stuff all over her attractive outfit.

Crickey o'riley! You alright, m'lady?

Lady Penelope:

Yes. I'm fine thank you Parker. Now we have to be a little more careful where we put our feet.

BANG BANG BANG BANG! Bullets fire at them, narrowly missing them. They had been found! A massive spotlight is centred on them, and a massive booming voice cries out from the trees, obviously from the complex via a microphone.


Welcome, Lady Penelope. I'm glad that you are intact for us. Don't move. Keep still! Move, and you're dead!

Footsteps are rushing towards them. The Armageddon is left to laugh. Laugh and laugh and laugh...

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