Chapter 19

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Eric took his time escorting Rebecca back to the dorm because of the fear of what he may discover. Thus far tonight, he found out he was living a nineteen-year lie, and a gross one due to how the parental figures of the Roberts' family treated him. Then when he did meet his father, the man didn't even tell him. So, he's left with questions of what else his former swim coach left out.

However, the inevitable can only be delayed so long. Thankfully, Neil is out as a new footlocker lies on the bed. Like Neil's, it stands out with design aesthetics from the '70s, but it has a crest featuring summer imagery. He holds the key in his hand as he summons the courage to open it.

Apparently, something is impatient as the key floats up into the air, and dives right into the key lock. Every mechanism unlocks, and the lids open on its own. Despite the magical presentation, the content seems rather mundane. Sacks of hidden items rest at the bottom of the chest, but the thing that stands out is the same decorative broadsword that murdered the woman in his dream. Same ruby and emerald jewels on the hilt, which haunts his memory.

As Eric grabs the handle and pulls the blade out of its scabbard, it hums a variety of pitches as Elder Futhark glow as red hue. Although the weapon appears a standard design, the metal is foreign to him. He never could hold steel for long, but the sword feels lighter than anything he's handled. Finally, the hum settles on one tone.

"Hello, my son," a disembodied voice calls out, which sounds eerily like Arthur. "My absence was inexcusable, but I felt it was necessary to spare you the pain of losing your mother."

Despite learning that magic is real, the talking sword challenges his reality. The only way he can think of it is that his mind tunes into it. However, the other fact is the mention of his mother. Since the coach is his father, Caitlin Keegan must be his mother.

"I killed her as a duty and mercy," his father further explains, which causes tears to fall down Eric's face.

With just a few words, the voice confirms that constant dreams are a memory of his mother's execution. However, that isn't what truly bothers him. Eric could come to terms with the vision, but not how Arthur explains it like a physics class. He almost throws the sword away, but something stronger forces him to keep his grip. His anger grows as his eyes glow a lighter shade a blue by the second.

"The taint on her was great," Arthur says with an accompanying sigh. "She would regret what she would become."

The words rip him apart as he tries to logically process it. The woman never had the chance to become anything because his father murdered her. Then, the man hid like a coward from his own son and allowed him to live in tyranny for nineteen years. The grip on the sword became so tight that blood seeps through his fingers.

"Right now, you need to prepare to protect this world," Arthur continues. "A teacher will guide you in ways I never could."

The respect he had for Arthur erodes by the second. The entire excuse for being absent is that he couldn't live with his choice, and now the man expects Eric to make the right one. He only wishes his father was alive right now so that he could tell him to go fuck himself.

"I hope you forgive me someday. Love, your true father," Arthur's voice concludes as the runes dim down.

Finally, his hand opens, and the blade drops to the floor. The runes and decorative jewels disappear as if they were never there. The only thing that stays is Eric's blood on the floor and an ordinary-looking blade, which he stares down, trying to process the mess his father explained.

"The most difficult decision he made."

The voice startles him as he turns to see Tracy standing calmly at the door in a simple black gown. However, troubling thoughts fill his mind on how Conway and Tracy conspired to break his reality, and nearly causes a panic. Therefore, the professor treads carefully into the room.

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