Chapter 7

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Bria wakes up in a strangely familiar bed that's small for a grown woman but feels right with the sheets and blankets that would keep her warm on cold nights. The rose-colored walls and handcrafted furniture of a young girl's bedroom surround her while a stitched-up bunny, like the one her mum made, lays beside her. Even the robe cozies around her body before the realization sinks in. The bedroom is from her childhood, which is impossible, due to its destruction eleven years ago.

She slips out of bed and descends the stairs of the Irish flat. The nicely ordered living room greets her with beat-up furniture and markings on the wall measuring her height at various ages. It tugs at her heartstrings with fond memories of the first eight years of her life. One recollection is of her mum lying on the floor while being an absolute goof for Bria's amusement, which causes her to shed a tear thinking about happier times.

Suddenly, a familiar scent hits her, and she rushes into the kitchen. The morning light illuminates the warm room with her mum cooking rashers. The woman brings the kitchen to life by dancing to a rocking beat by the stove. When Bria looks at Siobhan Connell, she sees a reflection of herself bobbing, with sparkling blue eyes and red hair dominating the appearance. The effortless beauty in a simple robe brings joy to Bria's heart, as it's been so long.

Suddenly, the memory feels like a death by a thousand cuts. The ground rumbles and the walls blow away with a dark storm of tormenting clouds and streaks of fiery energy. One strikes Siobhan and burns her to the ground. The horrific scream sends a chilling shock down Bria's spine at the sensation of the nightmare. She swiftly turns away, and the room returns to normal with a happy, young redhead child skipping into the kitchen. The pleasant memories return, remembering how she was at eight, and the feeling when her mother picks her up and twirls around with grace.

Those arms were her entire world that was safe and secure.

"Who's my little lady?"

Siobhan dances before placing the girl in a chair. A stocky man in coveralls steps in and hugs his daughter. Daniel, she thinks his name is. It was so long ago that she sees faces, but not often the names. Yet, the big bundle of warmth and joy of her father stands out. With her mum, these were a shield against the bad in the world. However, the clock falls onto the floor when it strikes ten and fire tornados suck everything out, including her father. The sights and sounds of him ripping apart sends terror through Bria, who shuts her eyes.

"There's my birthday lass!" Daniel squeals in celebration.

Bria opens her eyes to continue the rerun of events from her past that haunt her. Her loving parents giving her precious moments of happiness before it's all torn away. They sit on either side of their daughter while Siobhan serves up food. The clock continues to torment Bria when it ticks to 10:08 a.m. Her family is unaware of the danger, and her voiceless self cannot warn them. More tears fall as she tries to leave, but something thrusts her back into the room.

"So, Siobhan, what shall we do for our lovely daughter's birthday?" Daniel asks with a joyous voice.

It's a bittersweet moment as her father's voice echoed once more. Despite the long hours and occasional stressful day, he always gave his love to his two favorite ladies. No family is perfect, but she always knew they'd make the best of everything.

The little girl bounces in excitement while Siobhan leans over with a mischievous look on her face. The bright aura surrounds her mum, who genuinely cares for her daughter, while also adding a pinch of light-hearted naughtiness.

"Well, I thought we all could get lost in the Dunmore Caves," Siobhan tells the bouncing girl.

The caves were always a source of inspiration and adventure when she was a kid. Siobhan would unleash her impish self and bring several ounces of fun into the day, while her father kept her safe and warm in those good times.

Fire of Life (Fiery Soul Series Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now