"A Story"

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*Darryl POV*

A few minutes had passed and Zak finally reached a stable state. He began to talk to me.

"where am I..?" Zak would ask.

"Zak you're in the Nurse's Office. You got beat up to a pulp by Zelk."

It seemed by the puzzled expression he made on his face, he had no clue what I was talking about. I informed him about the fight which seemed to have made a bunch of memories rush back into his mind by his facial expression changing.

"Oh my god I remember now. Everything..."

"Do you mind telling me why the fight started..?" I'd ask, nervous he would decline.

Zak let a short sigh out before beginning to tell the story.

"Dave and I were walking to the cafeteria together and we both got in line. About a minute later, Zelk joined us in line and the three of us began to talk. when we retrieved our food and began heading to their usual table, I told them I wanted to wait for a friend. Dave asked who and I told him it was you who I was waiting for. Then Zelk got mad at me for being friends with you... and the rest is basically history."

I sat there in a mix of emotions. I felt anger... then sadness... worry... everything negative all in a bundle wrapped together with a bow to make it pretty. I stood up and told Zak I needed to use the bathroom. He nodded, and then I left.


I'm sorry this is rlly short T-T

I just want to get a bunchhh doneenennenene sooooo.....

again sorry.

hope you enjoyed none the less ^^

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