Chapter Six.

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Next Day. 

"YOU DID WHAT?!" Luke yells at me. "Luke it wasn't that big of a deal it was just a kiss. It's not like we slept together or anything." I say calmly. "Are you sure? I don't think you would pass the oppurtunity up if it presented itself." Luke says, still angry. "What the hell do you mean? What do you think I am? Some whore that is dying to sleep with Harry?" I say, getting mad myself. "Yes! That's exactly what I'm saying." Luke retorts.

That hurt. 

He's my best friend, how could he think that? He should know better. 

"Well I'm sorry after five years of friendship that's what you think of me. Don't talk to  me Luke. Clearly you think less of me that a piece of trash, so you don't need me." I say and walk away. To my surprise, he doesn't follow me. 

Fifth period.

I've never been more pissed in my life. Luke and I have had our fights, but they're usually minor and we get over it. He's never called me a freaking prostitute before. I slam my locker a little extra hard today to let out some frustration, and the hall monitor next to me falls out of her chair. I laugh a little too hard and then go to help her up. I then start making my way to the lunch room. I turn a sharp corner, past the janitor's closet, and all of a sudden I feel myself being pulled in.

I hear the door close behind me and start to panic. Then the light goes on and I relax when I see a familiar face. But then my pulse quickens again. 

It's Harry. 

He doesn't waste much time, he grabs my waist and pulls me in for a kiss. It's sweet, yet passionate, as if he's trying to send me a message with his lips. I know that I shouldn't be kissing him, he has a girlfriend, and he's done some pretty horrible things to me and Luke. And when I think of Luke, and how angry I am at him, it only makes me want to kiss Harry more. Being with Harry makes me ignite inside. I get butterflies like a little schoolgirl, and I blush when he gives me his cheesy compliments. He gives me this burning feeling deep in my gut, and I can't describe it. But I do know one thing. 

I crave it. 

My fingers travel up to his messy curls, and I bite on his lower lip, earning a moan from him. I smile. He presses his hand to the small of my back so you couldn't even fit a piece of paper in between us. His hands slowly travels down to my butt, and he squeezes lightly. I gasp. He takes this as an opputunity to slip his tongue in my mouth. Pretty smooth, I'll give him that. I throw my arm around his broad shoulders, jump up and wrap my legs around his waist. He backs up and places me on the sink. 

He reaches for the hem of my shirt, and I stop him. As much as I don't want to, I break away from his kiss. "Harry, not now. Not yet." I say. "Okay, that's fine. But it will happen one day you know." He says with a smirk. "Harry. You really have to make a decision here. You can't have us both. Who do you want? If it's Julia, fine. If it's me, fine. But you have to choose one." I huff. "I know, I know. It's just hard. I've been with Julia for so long, but I've never felt what I feel with you before." He says honestly. "Look, as much as I might want to, I can't make the choice for you. Plus I'm really late to lunch. Let me  know later okay?" I say. "Okay babe. Will do." He smiles and kisses me on the lips once more and leaves the closet.

I sit there for a minute and process everything that just happened, and find myself smiling. Yes, he's an asshole. Yes, he hurt me. Yes, he exploited me. But somehow i look past that when we're together. He's always been so nice and wonderful and all when we're alone, so I guess the real test will be after school today.

I sigh and finally exit the closet to go to lunch. When I walk out, I see some of Luke's other guy friends, Calum and Ashton. I wave at them, and they nervously wave back. They look like they just saw someone commit murder. I shrug it off and head to the lunch room.

 I am happy to see my friends. I happen to be lucky and sit with all of my best girl friends. Katie, Alice, Bethany, and Claire. And then there's Felicia, and she loves to make jokes. Mostly sexual jokes, but still extremely funny. I sit down in between Katie and Bethany. "Hey girl!" They all greet. "Hi guys. Boy do I have alot to tell you." I huff.  "SPILL." Felicia says. I start from the day Julia and her sluts beat me up, and end when Harry and I made out in the closet. Claire is the first to speak.

"I WILL CUT THAT BITCH! Where the fuck is she. I'll do it right now." She says. I laugh. I appreciate that, and believe me I would love to do the same, but now is not the time for it." I respond. Bethany speaks up next. "If the kiss today went any further than it did last night, I suggest you take a pregnancy test." Bethany laughs. "You're hysterical." I scowl at her. "What are you going to do?" Katie asks me. "Him. Hopefully. If you don't, I will." Felicia interjects. We all laugh. "As of right now, the ball is in his court. It all depends on what he does at this point." I sigh. Felicia snickers. "The ball is in his court? Really? You're asking for it at this point." She laughs again, as do I. Alice makes her involuntary disgusted face. "You all need Jesus." She says. We all laugh once more before the bell rings. 

I walk to my next class with Alice and Katie and wave off Bethany and Felicia. I open the door and walk out of the lunch room to see a very angry Luke walking towards me. 


oh shit. 


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