Chapter Ten.

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Harry sits across from me tapping his foot impatiently. "God what is taking these doctors so long?" Harry asks. "Hell if I know." I respond. I am starting to get a tad worried, I mean they gave me pain medication, they assessed all of my broken bones, and then left to run some tests. What the hell is taking so long? 

Just then a doctor walks in with a smile on her face. "Okay, so we ran a few tests, and I can assure you that you are going to be just fine." I feel a huge weight lifted off of my chest. Harry huffs out loud and then takes my hand to kiss it. We thank her and she exits the room. 

"You should probably take a nap. I assume you didn't get much sleep last night, and it's been a rough couple of days to say the least." Harry says. I smile. "Yeah, you're probably right, I'm actually really tired. See you in a few hours." I say. He nods and kisses me on the forehead. "Sleep tight." And with that I fall asleep. 

Two hours later.

My eyes slowly flutter open and the first thing I see is Harry peacefully sleeping next to me. His hand is still in mine, and he's snoring pretty loudly. I laugh quietly. He's been through a lot too, I don't want to wake him. 

Just as I was about to fall back asleep, I hear someone with blonde hair and blue eyes run in frantically. 

It's Luke. 

"Oh my god Kris, what the hell happened?! Are you okay? Did he do this to you?" He says quickly. By now Harry is alert and awake. "Dude, can you not yell? Thanks." Harry says groggily. Luke walks over to Harry and picks him up out of the chair he was sitting in by his shirt.  "Listen you prick, I know this is your fault. As a matter of fact I think you need to leave." Luke says with rage.

Harry violently shoves him. "You do not talk to me like that, asshole. was here when you weren't. saved her. She wants me, not you. So the sooner you get the fuck over it the better it will be for all of us."

Luke throws the first punch. Hard and right to Harry's jaw. Harry stumbles back a little bit, but not much. He returns the gesture by punching Luke in his nose, then kicks him in the stomach. Luke grunts. He kicks Harry in the balls, he plummets to the ground, and Luke takes that as a chance to kick him in the head. 

I've had enough. "Luke! Stop! What the hell is wrong with you?!" I yell. "Low blow, dude. Low fucking blow." Harry says in pain. Luke laughs. Luke turns to me. "Are you alright?" He asks again. "Yes, Luke, I was nearly raped and beaten by some gang monkey and I am going to be fine. Are you happy now?" I say sarcastically. 

Luke looks like he's just peed his pants. "You what? Who? Where? When? Why? Kris what the actual fuck?" He says. Harry is on his feet. "Last night, a rival gang to my father's took her, and did all of that. I got her out. Now that we've disclosed this information to you, you may NOT tell anyone else." Harry says sternly. Luke looks more confused than when he took the PSATs. "Rival gang? Your father runs a gang? This is all your fault! If she never met you and got with you, this never would have happened." Luke yells at him. 

"WILL BOTH OF YOU JUST SHUT UP PLEASE?!" I scream. "You're making my god damn headache come back." They both fall silent and I smile. 

"Listen, like it or not, you both are important to me. Luke, I'm sorry, but I've chosen to be with Harry now. But that doesn't mean I don't want you in my life. Luke you're my best friend." I say. A look of hurt flickers through his eyes for a second, but he recovers and responds. "I know, I reacted badly to what you said and what happened, and I'm sorry for that. I'll have to work on this. I just need some time."  He says. "Look mate, I won't let anything else happen to her. I promised to protect her with my life. And I intend to fulfill that promise." Harry interjects. 

"Yeah, I hope so." Luke responds. "Aw, there you go." I smile. "Don't get too excited Kris, I still hate his guts." Luke smiles. "Ouch, I felt that one in my heart." Harry responds and we all laugh. 

"Well isn't this just adorable." Says a voice I don't recognize. I look over at Harry and he looks like he's seen a ghost. He stands up and walks over in front of me. "What the fuck are you doing here?" He says angrily. "Oh, I came to see the slut that you've chosen to ruin our lives with." The man says. I look at Luke in confusion and he returns the same look. 

"Don't you dare call her that. Julia was the whore, not her. I have feelings toward her that I never had towards Julia. She makes me happy Dad. Just leave it alone. We'll be okay. I will make this okay."
Harry pleads. I gasp quietly. His dad is here? "You can't fix shit! You are a worthless waste of space and I wish your pathetic mother took you with her. All you've ever done is fuck things up for me." His dad says and punches Harry in the nose. 

Not this again. "Hey! What the hell do you think you're doing? Get the hell off of him!" I shout at his father. He doesn't look at me, but Harry and says, "How cute, you're little whore coming to your rescue. Let's have  a look at her shall we?" He stands up to finally look me in the eyes, and I expect a look of amusement, or disgust, but instead I see a look of paralyzing fear. 

"Oh my god, you're a fuckin' spitting image of him." He says. I look at him in confusion. "Who? Who are you talking about?" I ask him. "What's your last name?" He asks me. "Smith. My name is Kristen Smith." I tell him. Everyone in the room seems to be confused except Harry's father. "You don't know who you are do you? Or who your father is?" He asks me. I shake my head.

"Honey, your father is the leader of The Warriors." He says. 



Told you shit was going down. 


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