Chapter Twenty Two.

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Harry. He's all I can think about. All day, every god damn day. Will he ever come home? Is he okay? He he hurt? I should really stop thinking about him. I just want to binge watch Grey's Anatomy with Luke and eat ice cream. Which is precisely what I'm doing.

My lazy day is interrupted by a loud and obnoxious knock on the door. "Luke, can you please get it?" I ask sweetly. "Sure, babe." He replies. It kind of hurts when he says that, because Harry used to call me that. But since it's Luke, I don't really mind. He walks over to the door in about three strides, with him being 60% legs and all. He looks through the peephole, and turns back to me.

"It's your Dad. Can I let him in?" He asks. "Sure, go ahead." I tell him. He opens the door and my father runs past Luke and almost falls over on his way to me. "I have some really bad news. And I want you to promise me you'll stay calm after I show you this." He rushes out. "Um, okay, what is it?" I ask nervously. 

"I recieved this letter in the mail this morning." He says and hands the long piece of paper to me, with a picutre attached. It reads:

Hello Mr. Smith,

I am not pleased to be delivering this piece of dreadful news to you, but it must be done. I offer my most sincere condolences to you, your daughter, Mr. Styles, and even Mr. Hemmings. Harry Styles, our former hostage, has been executed. He was drawing too much attention to our hideaway, and this is our way of returning your act of war, from last week. I will surely see you soon. Once again, my deepest apologies.

-The Boss

No. He's lying. He wouldn't kill Harry, he can't kill Harry. It would be stupid of him to do so. I look at the picture attached, and my heart shatters. It's a picture of Harry, unconscious, with a knife in his abdomen. I throw the papers across the room, flip the coffee table over, and scream into a pillow. 

"NO! HE'S NOT DEAD! DAD HE'S LYING! NO NO NO NO NO!" I yell and start to sob. I fall to the ground and crawl up in a ball in the corner of the living room. "I'm so, so sorry sweetheart. I would have acted sooner if I had known The Boss had the balls to do something like this." My father tries to comfort me. Luke runs over to me and pulls me into his chest. 

We stay like this for the rest of the day, and almost the rest of the week. 

Two weeks later. 

"Are you sure you're ready to go back to school? The attendance office is sending you all of your work, you can say here as long as you need." Luke tells me. "No, I need to see my friends, other human beings. There's a big world outside of this house, and I think it's time I got back to it." I say, fighting tears. "Okay, whatever you need. I'll be here. I will always be here." He tell me. "Thanks, Luke. I can't even express to you how much I appreciate what you're doing for me." I say and lean up and kiss his cheek. 

I almost see him blush, but he turns away. I smile. It's a short walk to school, but since it's probably     -20 degrees outside, Luke offers to drive us. He parks quickly, and we hop out of the car, and run into the school. I turn to him, and say, "Okay, let's do this." He smiles, grabs my hand, and leads me towards first period. 


I close my cold, metal locker, and quickly head for the cafeteria. I am once again greeted by my amazing, supportive friends. I haven't told them Harry died yet, I just told them I was really, really sick. I'm pretty sure I told them I had the flu. 

"Hey, guys!" I say as peppy as possible. They all greet me back, in different ways. I sit in my seat, in between Bethany and Katie. Claire is the first to speak. "So, how are you feeling?" She asks. "I'm doing a lot better, thanks." I reply. "But surprisingly enough, I don't want to talk about me. What's new with you guys?" I ask the group. "Jesus, do we have a lot to tell you." Bethany exhales. "Well, why don't you go first then?" I say, smirking. 

"Alright, well, The last time I saw you, you were at Veronica's party, and I was there with George. We did some stuff, and then it was great for about a week more, and then he kind of flipped some asshole switch, decided to blow me off, and never speak to me again. So, I was kind of sad for a few days about it, until something else happened." She pauses. "Well, don't just leave me hanging, what happened?!" I ask. "Well, I was reading MacBeth in English, and we had to do this activity where we were passed out lines from the play, and we had to recite them to classmates. 

So, I read it to a few of my friends, and then I felt a tap on my shoulder, and it was Ashton. He smiled his big, goofy, smile and said this; "A heart to love, and in that heart, Courage, to make's love known. Such an appropriate line for today, seeing that I planned on asking you out, with a little help from Shakespeare. Can I take you out this friday, Bethany?" He asked me. And then I died, came back, said yes, and died again. The end." She finishes. "Oh my god I'm so happy for you! Tell me how the date goes!" I exclaim. 

I turn to Katie. "How's Brian?" I ask with a smile. "He's great! We just had our five month anniversary, and he told me he loved me." She says, blushing. "Aw, yay!" I respond. "Claire, how's TJ?" I ask excitedly. "He finally asked me out two days ago, and he was so amazing. He spelled 'Claire, Will you please go out with me?' in rose pedals across the gym, and gave me a box of chocolates. I still don't believe it happened." She squeals. I gasp. "That's amazing." I then turn to Veronica. "David showed up to my party, with another girl. I was so pissed, I didn't talk to him until this morning, when he tried to apologize, but I blew him off. I'm think I'm going to try and play the 'hard to get' card for a while." She says. "Smart, I like it." I say back. 

I look at Alice and Felicia, and they say in unison, "Single pringle." They start bursting into laughter, and I do as well. The bell rings, and we part ways. 

The rest of the day goes by fairly quickly, and before I know it I'm with Luke at my locker. "How was your first day back?" He asks. "Pretty good, actually. Being with my friends really helped." I say. "That's great. Are you ready to go?" He asks. "Yeah, just let me grab my coat." I tell him. I reach up to grab it off of the hook, put it on, and follow him out to the car. 

The ride home is silent, and within two minutes, we're pulling into my driveway. "Alright, thanks for dropping me off, go be with your family. I'll be okay, they miss you." I tell him. He frowns, but nods. "Okay, but I'm going to walk you in." He says. He grabs my bookbag and throws it over his shoulder.

I unlock my house, and let him in to put my bag down. He goes to leave, but stops in the middle of the doorway. "Look, I know that this must be all really overwhelming to you right now, and I know you loved him and you just lost him, but I have to say this now." He pauses and takes a step towards me. Oh god. 

"I love you. I am still so completely in love with you, and I always have been. And I know you feel something too, I know somewhere, deep down, you love me too. You can have all of the time in the world to think about this, and realize it. I will wait for you forever if I have to. I love you that much. So, until tomorrow, let me give you something to remeber me by." He finshes. He takes two more steps towards me, and engulfs my lips with his. I don't think I want to or should be kissing my best friend right now, but something about the way he holds me, and the way he kisses me makes all of the pain melt away. 

I get on my tippy-toes and kiss him back, with as much passion as I can muster. I wrap my hands around his neck, and my fingers find my way to his blonde hair. He brings his hands down to my thighs, and pulls upwards, telling me to jump. I do, and wrap my legs around his waist. He slowly carries me up the stairs, without breaking the kiss once. 

He leans over the bed and rests me on it. He starts to lift up my shirt, and breaks the kiss as he does so. He looks into my eyes for approval, and I simply say, "I want you." And that was all he needed to hear. 


This is actaully painful for me to write.


she's kinda slutty eh

but it's okay


Keep reading and commenting your thoughts/reactions!

Love y'all.


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